Objective type Questions(OTQs)& Answers on cloud programming

621 ________ is a key cloud service attribute?
[A] Abstraction
[B] Infrastructure
[C] User Interface
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: Infrastructure
622 Point out the correct statement.
[A] The cloud turns physical systems into virtual systems
[B] The printing service decided to eliminate infrastructure and streamline the process
[C] The first stage in the redeployment is to eliminate the local processing associated with the scanning machines
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: The cloud turns physical systems into virtual systems


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623 ________ is the first level cloud service attribute?
[A] Accounting
[B] Application support
[C] Core Services
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: Core Services
624 Which of the following is a second level cloud attribute in relation to Platform Features?
[A] Development environment
[B] Programming language support
[C] Deployment technology
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: All of the mentioned
625 Point out the correct statement.
[A] Virtual machines are not provisioned to process the scans
[B] Virtual machines are only stateless
[C] Infrastructure, storage, and the queuing system all come together to eliminate a great deal of cost and operational complexity
[D] None of the mentioned
Answer: Infrastructure, storage, and the queuing system all come together to eliminate a great deal of cost and operational complexity
626 Which of the following is not a second level cloud attribute in relation to Storage?
[A] Non-relational
[B] SQL support
[C] Replication
[D] Language and locale
Answer: Language and locale
627 Which of the following scenario can be referred to as cloud bursting?
[A] Part of the application is on a local system, and part is in the cloud
[B] Complete part of the application is on local system
[C] Complete part of the application is on local system
[D] None of the mentioned
Answer: Part of the application is on a local system, and part is in the cloud
628 ________ is not a first level cloud service attribute?
[A] Applications
[B] Infrastructure
[C] Core Services
[D] None of the mentioned
Answer: None of the mentioned
629 An application that provides for transaction overflow in a reservation system is an example of ____________
[A] cloud servicing
[B] cloud bursting
[C] cloud provisioning
[D] all of the mentioned
Answer: cloud bursting
630 Which of the following is not a second level cloud attribute?
[A] Applications
[B] Infrastructure
[C] Database
[D] Storage
Answer: Database
631 Which of the following mechanisms are contained by Cloud API for accessing cloud services?
[A] Abstraction
[B] Authentication
[C] Replication
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: Authentication
632 Point out the correct statement.
[A] Except for tightly managed SaaS cloud providers, the burden of resource management is still in the hands of the user
[B] Cloud computing vendors run very reliable networks
[C] The low barrier to entry cannot be accompanied by a low barrier to provisioning
[D] All of the mentioned

Answer: Cloud computing vendors run very reliable networks
633 Point out the correct statement.
[A] The nature of a cloud provider’s Cloud API will impact the ability to move an application to the cloud
[B] Cloud APIs are the Application Programming Interface to functions that exchange information in and with the cloud
[C] Each cloud vendor has its own specific API
[D] All of the mentioned

Answer: All of the mentioned
634 Which of the following is cross-platform API based on generalizing the major cloud vendors APIs?
[A] Deltacloud
[B] Simple Cloud API
[C] Design Cloud
[D] All of the mentioned

Answer: All of the mentioned
635 Applications using managed cloud storage are __________ as a Service Web service.
[A] Infrastructure
[B] Platform
[C] Service
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: Infrastructure
636 Point out the wrong statement.
[A] Some APIs are both exposed as SOAP and REST
[B] Most APIs are exposed as SOAP
[C] Few APIs are exposed as REST
[D] None of the mentioned
Answer: Variable but under control
637 Which of the following storage is presented to a user as if it is a ready-to-use disk drive?
[A] Managed
[B] Unmanaged
[C] Unavailable
[D] None of the mentioned
Answer: large
638 Which of the following cloud storage involves the provisioning of a raw virtualized disk?
[A] Managed
[B] Unmanaged
[C] Unavailable
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: Managed
639 _____________ storage option is available for managed storage?
[A] formatting
[B] partitioning
[C] replicating data
[D] all of the mentioned
Answer: SLAs
640 Which of the following cloud storage is consumed by file sharing software?
[A] Managed
[B] Unmanaged
[C] UnAvailable
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: Unmanaged

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