English Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) and Answers | English Quiz Set 33

(1) Which of these works in nineteenth-century Russian fiction originated the type of a Superfluous Man ?
(1) The Diary of a Superfluous Man
(2) A Hero of our Own Times
(3) Eugene Onegin
(4) Dead Souls
Answer: Eugene Onegin
(2) What is Gilgamesh ?

(a) a Babylonian epic poem

(b) a series of gnomic verses

(c) a classical play

(d) the story of a harsh ruler

(1) (a) and (b)
(2) (c)
(3) (a) and (d)
(4) (b)
Answer: (a) and (d)


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(3) American Dictionary of the English Language was the work of __________ published in __________.
(1) Merriam Webster, 1903
(2) H.L. Mencken, 1930
(3) Noah Webster, 1828
(4) Benjamin Franklin, 1768
Answer: Noah Webster, 1828
(4) Which of the following texts of Amitav Ghosh is based on the refugee occupation of an island in the Sundarvans ?
(1) Sea of Poppies
(2) The Hungry Tide
(3) River of Smoke
(4) The Glass Palace
Answer: The Hungry Tide
(5) Which of the following is described by Robert Browning as “A Child’s Story” ?
(1) “Bells and Pomegranates”
(2) “Pauline”
(3) “Fifine at the Fair”
(4) “The Pied Piper of Hamelin”
Answer: “The Pied Piper of Hamelin”
(6) Identify the New Critic who served as the cultural attaché at the American Embassy in London from 1964 to 1966 :
(1) John Crowe Ransom.
(2) Cleanth Brooks.
(3) Allen Tate.
(4) Robert Penn Warren.
Answer: Cleanth Brooks.
(7) “The Gilded Age” refers to a period of American history between 1870 and the first decades of the twentieth century.
Who among the following American writers is credited with the coining of the term ?
(1) F. Scott Fitzgerald.
(2) Mark Twain.
(3) William Dean Howells.
(4) Theodore Dreiser.
Answer: Mark Twain.
(8) The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire in six volumes was a great achievement by Edward Gibbon. It was published between 1776 and 1788, two significant dates that.
(1) Signalled the end of the Napoleonic wars and the rise of Feudalism
(2) Signalled the American Revolution and the French Revolution
(3) Covered the fall of peasantry and the rise of bureaucracy in England
(4) Suggest the period of Queen Anne’s reign
Answer: Signalled the American Revolution and the French Revolution
Did I request thee, Maker, from my clay
To mould me man ? Did I solicit thee
From darkness to promote me ?
Which nineteenth-century work bears these lines from Paradise Lost as epigraph ?
(1) Wuthering Heights
(2) Frankenstein
(3) Don Juan
(4) Jude the Obscure
Answer: Frankenstein
(10) A literary researcher now faced with choosing between a print text and its digital counterpart chooses the latter mostly to :
(1) facilitate the consultation of an exhaustive bibliography
(2) avoid the expense of buying books
(3) look for specific words and phrases and lines
(4) enhance his/her understanding of textual variants, if any, between the two media
Answer: look for specific words and phrases and lines
(11) Which of the following statements on Hudibras are true ?

(a) It is a novel written by Matthew Prior.

(b) It is a satirical poem published in 3 parts.

(c) Hudibras was written by Samuel Butler.

(d) Hudibras discusses complex issues of justice, politics and religion.

(1) (c) and (d) are true
(2) (a) and (d) are true
(3) (b) and (c) are true
(4) (a) and (b) are true
Answer: (b) and (c) are true
(12) The formalist critic __________ mocked the character - based criticism of __________ by posing a famous question, “How many children had Lady Macbeth” ?
(1) F.R. Leavis, E.K. Chambers
(2) Cleanth Brooks, F.L. Lucas
(3) Monroe Beardsley, Kenneth Burke
(4) L.C. Knights, A.C. Bradley
Answer: L.C. Knights, A.C. Bradley
(13) Which of the following pair of words does not have two different vowel glides ?
(1) care, pure
(2) write, freight
(3) caught, court
(4) eight, ate
Answer: eight, ate

Assertion (A) : Arts will often work obliquely, by myth or symbol. They may make their best ‘criticism of life’ simply by being; they may best state by not stating.

Reason (R) : It follows, if even only part of all this is true, that the arts do have an important social function. [...] Arts can give greater depth to a society’s sense of itself. [...] A country without great art might be a powerful collection of thriving earthworms but would be a sorry society.

(1) Reason (R) is perfectly aligned with Assertion (A)
(2) Assertion (A) is unrelated to Reason (R)
(3) Assertion (A) hardly reflects Reason (R)’s elaboration
(4) Reason (R), in fact, contradicts Assertion (A)
Answer: Reason (R) is perfectly aligned with Assertion (A)
(15) Which of the following is NOT an example of derivational morpheme ?
(1) friend – friendship
(2) courage – courageous
(3) rely – reliable
(4) climate – climactic
Answer: climate – climactic

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