Business Economics Quiz | Business Economics Objective Type Questions and Answers

(21) The development of money as a medium of exchange has facilitated the expansion of trade because
[A] Holding money increases people's income
[B] No other mediums of exchange are available
[C] Money eliminates the "double coincidence of wants" problem
[D] Holding money increases people's wealth
Answer: Money eliminates the "double coincidence of wants" problem
(22) Money is
[A] Backed by gold in Fort Knox
[B] The same as income.
[C] The value of all coins and currency in circulation at any time.
[D] Anything that is generally accepted as a medium of exchange.
Answer: Anything that is generally accepted as a medium of exchange.


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(23) In a free-market economy the allocation of resources is determined by:
[A] Votes taken by consumers
[B] A central planning authority
[C] By consumer preferences
[D] The level of profits of firms
Answer: By consumer preferences
(24) A rational person does not act unless:
[A] The action is ethical
[B] The action produces marginal costs that exceed marginal benefits
[C] The action produces marginal benefits that exceed marginal costs
[D] The action makes money for the person
Answer: The action produces marginal benefits that exceed marginal costs
(25) Economics is a science which deals with human wants and their satisfaction.
[A] Social
[B] Political
[C] Natural
[D] Physical
Answer: Social
(26) .....defined economics as a study of mankind in the ordinary business of life.
[A] Adam smith
[B] Lionel Robbins
[C] Samuelson
[D] Alfred Marshall
Answer: Alfred Marshall
(27) The growth of an economy is indicated by an
[A] Increase in savings
[B] Increase in investment
[C] Increase in general prices
[D] Increase in national income
Answer: Increase in national income
(28) .......equals revenue minus all explicit costs.
[A] Accounting profit
[B] Economic profit
[C] Normal profit
[D] Loss
Answer: Accounting profit
(29) The father of New Economics is :
[A] Marshall
[B] J.M.Keynes
[C] Adam Smith
[D] Karl Marx
Answer: J.M.Keynes
(30) The problem refers to the possibility that owners and their managers may have different objectives.
[A] Company- Manager problem
[B] Principal-Agent Problem
[C] Firm-Employee problem
[D] Problem of different objectives
Answer: Principal-Agent Problem
31 Economic profit refers to.....minus all relevant costs , both explicit and implicit.
[A] Profit
[B] Cost
[C] Expenses
[D] Revenues
Answer: Revenues
32 The interaction of individuals and firms in a market can be described as a......of money, goods and services and resources through product and factor markets.
[A] Constant flow
[B] Stable flow
[C] Circular Flow
[D] Regular Flow
Answer: Circular Flow
33 An economic system:
[A] Requires a grouping of private markets linked to one another.
[B] Is a particular set of institutional arrangements and a coordinating mechanism used to respond to the economizing problem.
[C] Requires some sort of centralized authority (such as government) to coordinate economic activity.
[D] Is a plan or scheme that allows a firm to make money at some other firm's expense
Answer: Is a particular set of institutional arrangements and a coordinating mechanism used to respond to the economizing problem.
34 The regulatory mechanism of the market system is:
[A] Self-interest
[B] Private property.
[C] Competition.
[D] Specialization.
Answer: Competition.
35 Which of the following is not an economic cost?
[A] Wages.
[B] Rents
[C] Economic profits.
[D] Payments made to the entrepreneur for organizing production
Answer: Economic profits.
36 From society's point of view the economic function of profits and losses is to:
[A] Promote the equal distribution of real assets and wealth.
[B] Achieve full employment and price level stability.
[C] Contribute to a more equal distribution of income.
[D] Reallocate resources from less desired to more desired uses.
Answer: Reallocate resources from less desired to more desired uses.
37 The invisible hand refers to the:
[A] Fact that the U.S. tax system redistributes income from rich to poor.
[B] Notion that, under competition, decisions motivated by self-interest promote the social interest.
[C] Tendency of monopolistic sellers to raise prices above competitive levels.
[D] Fact that government controls the functioning of the market system.
Answer: Notion that, under competition, decisions motivated by self-interest promote the social interest.
38 The invisible-hand concept suggests that: .
[A] Market failures imply the need for a national economic plan.
[B] Big businesses are inherently more efficient than small businesses.
[C] The competitiveness of a capitalistic market economy invariably diminishes over time.
[D] Assuming competition, private and public interests will coincide
Answer: Assuming competition, private and public interests will coincide
39 Two major virtues of the market system are that it:
[A] Allocates resources efficiently and allows economic freedom.
[B] Results in an equitable personal distribution of income and always maintains full employment.
[C] Results in price level stability and a fair personal distribution of income.
[D] Eliminates discrimination and minimizes environmental pollution.
Answer: Allocates resources efficiently and allows economic freedom.
40 The simple circular flow model shows that:
[A] Households are on the buying side of both product and resource markets.
[B] Businesses are on the selling side of both product and resource markets.
[C] Households are on the selling side of the resource market and on the buying side of the product market.
[D] Businesses are on the buying side of the product market and on the selling side of the resource market.
Answer: Households are on the selling side of the resource market and on the buying side of the product market.

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