CBSE Class 6 Science Quiz | CBSE Class 6 Science Objective Type Questions & Answers

(21) Mango plant is a _________
[A] Herb
[B] Shrub
[C] Tree
[D] none of these
Answer: Tree
(22) Tomato plant is a _________
[A] Herb
[B] Shrub
[C] Tree
[D] none of these
Answer: Herb


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(23) Woody perennial, single main stem called trunk, which gives out number of branches. These plants are _________.
[A] Herbs
[B] Shrubs
[C] Trees
[D] none of these
Answer: Trees
(24) Woody perennials, attain height between 3m to 5m, bushy appearance, profoused branched stems from the ground. These plants are ______.
[A] Herbs
[B] Shrubs
[C] Trees
[D] none of these
Answer: Shrubs
(25) Small plants, soft peroshable stems, attain height upto five feet, generally annuals and biennials. These plants are ________.
[A] Herbs
[B] Shrubs
[C] Trees
[D] none of these
Answer: Herbs
(26) Salt is separated from seawater by
[A] evaporation
[B] condensation
[C] decantation
[D] filtration
Answer: evaporation
(27) Spoilage of food is ___________
[A] reversible change
[B] fast change
[C] undesirable change
[D] periodic change
Answer: undesirable change
(28) Which of the following change is non-periodic?
[A] heartbeat
[B] earthquake
[C] an occurrence of day and night
[D] oscillation of pendulum
Answer: earthquake
(29) Iron rim is made slightly smaller than the wooden wheel. The rim is usually heated before fixing into the wooden wheel because on heating the iron rim
[A] expands and fits onto the wooden wheel
[B] contracts and fits onto the wooden wheel
[C] no change in the size takes place
[D] expands first, then on cooling contracts and fits onto the wooden wheel
Answer: expands first, then on cooling contracts and fits onto the wooden wheel
(30) Rolling of chapatti and baking of chapatti are the changes that
[A] can be reversed
[B] cannot be reversed
[C] can be reversed and cannot be reversed, respectively
[D] cannot be reversed and can be reversed, respectively
Answer: can be reversed and cannot be reversed, respectively
31 Salt can be separated from its solution (salt dissolved in water) because
[A] mixing of salt in water is a change that can be reversed by heating and melting of salt
[B] mixing of salt in water is a change that cannot be reversed
[C] mixing of salt in water is a permanent change
[D] mixing of salt in water is a change that can be reversed by evaporation
Answer: mixing of salt in water is a change that can be reversed by evaporation
32 An iron ring is heated. Which of the following statement about it is incorrect?
[A] The ring expands
[B] The ring almost comes to the same size on cooling
[C] The change, in this case, is reversed
[D] The ring changes its shape and the change cannot be reversed
Answer: The ring changes its shape and the change cannot be reversed
33 Which of the following changes cannot be reversed?
[A] Hardening of cement
[B] Freezing of ice cream
[C] Opening a door
[D] Melting of chocolate
Answer: Hardening of cement
34 Pick the change that can be reversed from the following.
[A] Cutting of trees
[B] Melting of ghee
[C] Burning of candle
[D] Blooming of flower
Answer: Melting of ghee
35 Which of the following can be considered as fast change?
[A] Growth of child
[B] Germination of seed
[C] Bursting of crackers
[D] Cooking of food
Answer: Bursting of crackers
36 Iron rim is made slightly smaller than the wooden wheel. The rim is usually heated before fixing into the wooden wheel, because on heating the iron rim
[A] expands and fits onto the wooden wheel.
[B] contracts and fits onto the wooden wheel.
[C] no change in the size takes place.
[D] expands first, then on cooling contracts and fits onto the wooden wheel.
Answer: expands first, then on cooling contracts and fits onto the wooden wheel.
37 In general, on heating metals _______
[A] contract
[B] expand
[C] can expand or contract
[D] none of these
Answer: expand
38 Iodine sublimes on heating i.e. directly changes into a gas state without going through liquid state. Which of the following change is not true for iodine sublimation?
[A] change is fast
[B] change is physical
[C] change is chemical
[D] change is reversible
Answer: change is chemical
39 Changes in which heat is liberated are called _________
[A] exothermic changes
[B] endothermic changes
[C] rapid changes
[D] none of these
Answer: exothermic changes
40 Which of the following is an example of periodic change?
[A] Eruption of volcano
[B] Heartbeat
[C] A car accident
[D] Landslide
Answer: Heartbeat

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