Electrical Measuring Instruments MCQs | Electrical Measuring Instruments Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) & Answers

(1) Hysteresis of an instrument means:
[A] The change in the same reading when input is first increased and then decreased
[B] The reliability of the instrument
[C] The repeatability of the insrument
[D] The inaccuracy due to change in temperature
Answer: The change in the same reading when input is first increased and then decreased
(2) In which part of the scale does the pointer indicate more accurately
[A] In the first third of the cycle
[B] In the first half of the cycle
[C] In about middle of the scale
[D] In the last third of the cycle
Answer: In about middle of the scale
(3) A 150 V moving iron voltmeter of accuracy class 1.0 reads 75 V when used in a circuit under a standard conditions. The maximum possible percentage error in the reading is:
[A] 0.5
[B] 1.0
[C] 2.0
[D] 4.0
Answer: 2.0
(4) The moving iron voltmeters are likely:
[A] To indicate the same value of the ac as on dc
[B] To indicate higher value of ac than on dc
[C] To indicate lower value of ac than on dc
[D] The moving iron instruments should not be used for dc measurment
Answer: To indicate lower value of ac than on dc
(5) Hay’s Bridge is suitable for the measurement of:
[A] Inductances with Q>10
[B] Inductances with Q<10
[C] Capacitors with high dissipation factor
[D] Capacitors with low dissipation factor
Answer: Inductances with Q>10
(6) The ballistic galvanometer is usually lightly damped so that:
[A] It may oscillate
[B] It may remain stable
[C] Amplitude of the first swing is large
[D] Amplitude of the first swing is small
Answer: Amplitude of the first swing is large
(7) Magnetic materials can be tested by:
[A] Self inductance bridge
[B] Cambell’s mutual inductance bridge
[C] AC potentiometer
[D] All the above
Answer: All the above
(8) In CRO astigmatism is:
[A] Source of generating fast electrons
[B] Media for absorbing secondary emission electrons
[C] An additional focus control
[D] Time-delay control in the vertical deflection system
Answer: An additional focus control
(9) Moving iron and PMMC instruments can be distinguished from each other by looking at:
[A] Pointer
[B] Terminal size
[C] Scale
[D] Scale range
Answer: Scale
(10) The deflection of hot-wire instrument depends on:
[A] Instantaneous value of alternating current
[B] Average value of current
[C] RMS value of the alternating current
[D] Voltage
Answer: RMS value of the alternating current
(11) The damping torque must operate only when the moving system of the indicating instrument is:
[A] Actually moving
[B] Stationary
[C] Just starting to move
[D] Near its full deflection
Answer: Actually moving
(12) Air friction damping is used in the instruments which is:
[A] Moving iron
[B] Moving coil
[C] Induction
[D] Hot wire
Answer: Moving iron
(13) An instrument that is capable of measuring only dc is:
[A] Moving coil
[B] Moving iron
[C] Thermo couple
[D] None of the above
Answer: Moving coil
(14) A ballistic galvanometer is used to measure:
[A] Charge
[B] Current
[C] Voltage
[D] Frequency
Answer: Charge
(15) For measuring emf of a standard cell we use:
[A] Galvanometer
[B] Potentiometer
[C] Zener reference
[D] Electro-dynamic voltmeter
Answer: Potentiometer
(16) Introduction of dielectric:
[A] Increases the capacitance
[B] Reduces the breakdown voltage
[C] Reduces the mechanical voltage
[D] Increases the size of the capacitor
Answer: Increases the capacitance
(17) Which of the following instruments have least torque/weight ratio:
[A] Dynamometer type
[C] Attraction type moving iron
[D] Repulsion type moving iron
Answer: Dynamometer type
(18) The instrument having its deflection depends upon average value is:
[A] Moving iron
[B] Hot wire
[C] Rectifier type
[D] Induction type
Answer: Rectifier type
(19) Which of the following instruments can be used for full scale deflection of 300o:
[B] Induction type
[C] Hot wire
[D] Electrostatic
Answer: Induction type
(20) A Ohmmeter is basically:
[A] A ammeter
[B] A voltmeter
[C] A multimeter
[D] None of the above
Answer: A ammeter

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