Plant Kingdom MCQs | Plant Kingdom Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

(1) Ustilago causes plant diseases (called smuts) because
[A] they parasitize on cereals.
[B] they lack mycelium.
[C] they develop sooty masses of spores.
[D] their affected parts becomes completely black.
Answer: their affected parts becomes completely black.
(2) In some viruses, RNA is present instead of DNA indicating that
[A] their nucleic acid must combine with host DNA before replication.
[B] they cannot replicate.
[C] there is no hereditary information.
[D] RNA can transfer heredity material.
Answer: RNA can transfer heredity material.
(3) When a moist bread is kept exposed in air, it becomes mouldy and black because
[A] spores are present in the water.
[B] spores are present in the bread.
[C] spores are present in the air.
[D] the bread decomposes.
Answer: spores are present in the bread.
(4) Lichens indicate SO2 pollution because they
[A] show association between algae and fungi.
[B] grow faster than others.
[C] are sensitive to so2.
[D] flourish in so2 rich environment.
Answer: are sensitive to so2.
(5) A virus can be considered a living organism because it
[A] responds to touch stimulus
[B] respires
[C] reproduces (inside the host)
[D] can cause disease
Answer: reproduces (inside the host)
(6) Bacteria lack alternation of generation because there is
[A] neither syngamy nor reduction division.
[B] no distinct chromosomes.
[C] no conjugation.
[D] no exchange of genetic material.
Answer: neither syngamy nor reduction division.
(7) Yeast is not included in protozoans but in fungi because
[A] it has no chlorophyll.
[B] some fungal hyphae grow in such a way that they give the appearance of pseudomycelium.
[C] it has eukaryotic organization.
[D] cell wall is made up of cellulose and reserve food material is starch.
Answer: some fungal hyphae grow in such a way that they give the appearance of pseudomycelium.
(8) Select the correct match from the given option.
[A] Occurrence of dikaryotic stage – ascomycetes and basidiomycetes.
[B] Saprophytes – They are autotrophic and absorb soluble organic matter from dead substrates.
[C] Vegetative mean of reproduction in fungi – fragmentation, budding and sporangiophores.
[D] Steps involved in asexual cycle of fungi – plasmogamy, karyogamy and meiosis in zygote resulting in haploid spores.
Answer: Occurrence of dikaryotic stage – ascomycetes and basidiomycetes.
(9) Which of the following groups of protozoan is not correctly matched with its feature?
[A] Amoeboid – Marine forms have silica shells on their surface.
[B] Flagellated – Either free living or parasitic.
[C] Ciliated – Actively moving organisms due to presence of cilia.
[D] Sporozoans – Move and capture their prey with the help of false feet.
Answer: Sporozoans – Move and capture their prey with the help of false feet.
(10) Which of the following pair is correctly matched ?
[A] fungi saprophytic parasitic mode of nutrition.
[B] monera nuclear membrane is present.
[C] plantae cell wall is made up of cellulose.
[D] animalia cell wall is absent.
Answer: monera nuclear membrane is present.
(11) Which of the plant groups needs both land and water to complete their life cycle?
[A] Tracheophyta
[B] Pteridophyta
[C] Thallophyta
[D] Bryophyta
Answer: angiosperms
(12) A plant that has seeds but no flowers and fruits?
[A] Bryophytes
[B] Gymnosperms
[C] Mosses
[D] Pteridophytes
Answer: Gymnosperms
(13) Most primitive vascular plants?
[A] Mosses
[B] Cycads
[C] Kelps
[D] Ferns
Answer: Ferns
(14) Plants that possess spores and embryo but lack vascular tissues and seeds?
[A] Rhodophyta
[B] Bryophyta
[C] Pteridophyta
[D] Phaeophyta
Answer: Bryophyta
(15) Which one is not an exception in angiosperms?
[A] Double fertilization
[B] Secondary growth
[C] Presence of vessels
[D] Autotrophic nutrition
Answer: Double fertilization
(16) Pteridophytes differ from mosses in
[A] Independent gametophyte
[B] Dependent gametophyte
[C] Flagellate antherozoids
[D] Independent and dominant sporophyte
Answer: Independent and dominant sporophyte
(17) Angiosperms are the dominant flora because of
[A] Domestication by man
[B] Power of adapting in diverse habitats
[C] Self-pollination property
[D] Property of producing a large number of seeds
Answer: Power of adapting in diverse habitats
(18) Plants reproducing by spores are grouped under
[A] Bryophytes
[B] Sporophytes
[C] Cryptogams
[D] Thallophytes
Answer: Cryptogams
(19) Plants having vascular tissue without seeds
[A] Angiosperm
[B] Pteridophytes
[C] Bryophytes
[D] Gymnosperms
Answer: Pteridophytes
(20) The plant group that posses the largest ovule, largest gametes, and largest tree
[A] Angiosperms
[B] Gymnosperms
[C] Pteridophytes
[D] Bryophytes
Answer: Gymnosperms

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