The Living World MCQs | The Living World Objective Type Questions and Answers

(1) Which one of these categories has real existence?
[A] Phylum
[B] Kingdom
[C] Genus
[D] Species
Answer: Species
(2) A true species comprises of a population
[A] Interbreeding
[B] Sharing the same niche
[C] Reproductively isolated
[D] Feeding over the same food
Answer: Reproductively isolated
(3) Nicotiana sylvestris flowers only during long days while N.tabacum flowers only during short days. Under different photoperiods, they can be induced to flower at the same time and can be cross-fertilized to produce self-fertile offsprings. What is the best reason for considering Nicotiana sylvestris and N.tabacum as separate species?
[A] They are reproductively distinct
[B] They fail to interbreed in nature
[C] They are physiologically different
[D] They are distinct morphologically
Answer: They fail to interbreed in nature
(4) One of the first acts in taxonomy is
[A] Classification
[B] Naming
[C] Description
[D] Identification
Answer: Identification
(5) In majority of higher animals and plants,_____ and _____ are mutually exclusive events.
[A] growth; nutrition
[B] nutrition; consciousness
[C] growth; reproduction
[D] reproduction; consciousness
Answer: growth; reproduction
(6) In multicellular organisms _____refers to the production of progeny possessing features more or less similar to those of parents.
[A] growth
[B] reproduction
[C] metabolism
[D] consciousness
Answer: reproduction
(7) The order generally ends with
[A] ales
[B] aceae
[C] eae
[D] none of these
Answer: ales
(8) Which of the following are unique features of living organisms?
[A] Growth and reproduction
[B] Reproduction and ability to sense environment
[C] Metabolism and interaction
[D] All of the above
Answer: All of the above
(9) Which of the following aspects is an exclusive characteristic of living things?
[A] Increase in mass from inside only.
[B] Isolated metabolic reactions occur in vitro.
[C] Perception of events happening in the environment and their memory.
[D] Increase in mass by accumulation of material both on surface as well as internally.
Answer: Perception of events happening in the environment and their memory.
(10) Which of the following term is used to refer the number of varieties of plants and animals on earth ?
[A] Taxonomy
[B] Identification
[C] Biodiversity
[D] Classification
Answer: Biodiversity
(11) ICBN stands for
[A] International Code of Botanical Nomenclature
[B] International Congress of Biological Names
[C] Indian Code of Botanical Nomenclature
[D] Indian Congress of Biological Names
Answer: International Code of Botanical Nomenclature
(12) Binomial nomenclature means
[A] one name given by two scientists.
[B] one scientific name consisting of a generic and specific epithet.
[C] two names, one latinized, other of a person.
[D] two names of same plant.
Answer: one scientific name consisting of a generic and specific epithet.
(13) Herbarium is a
[A] garden where medicinal plants are grown.
[B] garden where herbaceous plants are grown.
[C] dry garden.
[D] chemical to kill plants.
Answer: dry garden.
(14) The famous botanical garden ‘Kew’ is located in
[A] England
[B] Lucknow
[C] Berlin
[D] Australia
Answer: England
(15) Which ofthe following taxonomic aid provides information for the identification of names of species found in an area?
[A] Monograph
[B] Manual
[C] Flora
[D] Periodical
Answer: Manual
(16) Which one of the following taxonomical aid is used for identification of plants and animals based on similarities and dissimilarities?
[A] Keys
[B] Flora
[C] Monographs
[D] Catalogues
Answer: Keys
(17) The practical purpose of classification of living organisms is to
[A] explain the origin of living organsims.
[B] trace the evolution of living organsims.
[C] name the living organisms.
[D] facilitate identification of unknown organisms.
Answer: facilitate identification of unknown organisms.
(18) Systematics refers to the
[A] identification and classification of plants and animals.
[B] nomenclature and identification of plants and animals.
[C] diversity of kinds of organisms and the irrelationship.
[D] different kinds of organisms and their classification.
Answer: diversity of kinds of organisms and the irrelationship.
(19) Keys are generally _______in nature.
[A] physical
[B] chemical
[C] analytical
[D] qualitative
Answer: analytical
(20) Each statement in the key is called _______.
[A] lead
[B] catalogues
[C] manuals
[D] monographs
Answer: lead

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