Psychology Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Psychology Quiz Set 16

(1) According to Master and Johnson following is the correct sequence of human sexual response :
(1) Excitement → Orgasm → Plateau → Resolution
(2) Excitement → Plateau → Orgasm → Resolution
(3) Excitement → Arousal → Orgasm → Resolution
(4) Arousal → Excitement → Orgasm → Resolution
Answer: Excitement → Plateau → Orgasm → Resolution
(2) In graphical representations showing stress levels on X axis and performance on Y axis, best performance can be expected at
(1) Lower end of X axis
(2) Middle portion of X axis
(3) Higher end of X axis
(4) None of the above
Answer: Middle portion of X axis


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(3) Lesions of the ventromedial nuclei in the hypothalamus produce
(1) Anorexia
(2) Obesity
(3) Low level of Leptin
(4) Hypoinsulinemia
Answer: Obesity
(4) When the action potential reaches the end of the axon terminals, it causes the release of
(1) An electric spark that sets off the next neuron
(2) Positively charged ions that excite the next cell
(3) Negatively charged ions that inhibit the next cell.
(4) Neurotransmitters that excite or inhibit the next cell.
Answer: Neurotransmitters that excite or inhibit the next cell.
(5) AIDS attack a number of very different population; young gay men, intravenous drug users, haemophiliacs, Haitians, infants and recipients of blood transfusion, but commonly among them is the decrease in T lymphocytes, so it is an example of
(1) Inductive reasoning
(2) Deductive reasoning
(3) Analogical reasoning
(4) Syllogism
Answer: Inductive reasoning
(6) A 40 years old person is having the mental age of 20 years. What would be his IQ ?
(1) 100
(2) 50
(3) 80
(4) 125
Answer: 125
(7) Muller-Lyer illusion is likely to occur more in cultures characterised by
(1) People living in rectangular and square buildings
(2) People living in buildings which are round and have few corners
(3) People living in open spaces
(4) People living in caves
Answer: People living in rectangular and square buildings
(8) One prominent class of theorists of deductive reasoning believe that deduction depends on_____ of inference akin to those of ______.
(1) informal rules; logical calculus
(2) formal rules; analytical calculus
(3) procedural rules; logical calculus
(4) formal rules; logical calculus
Answer: formal rules; logical calculus
(9) What is the correct sequence of products in Guilford’s Struct of Intellect Model (SOI) ?
(1) Unit → Class → System → Relations → Implication → Transformation
(2) Class → Unit → Systems → Relation → Transformation → Implication
(3) Unit → Class → Relation → System → Transformation → Implication
(4) Unit → Relation → Class → System → Transformation → Implication
Answer: Unit → Class → Relation → System → Transformation → Implication
(10) The light passes through the eye in which of the following sequence ?
(1) Cornea, Pupil, Lens, Retina
(2) Cornea, Lens, Pupil, Retina
(3) Lens, Cornea, Pupil, Retina
(4) Pupil, Cornea, Lens, Retina
Answer: Cornea, Pupil, Lens, Retina
(11) Which one of the following statement is true in the context of item analysis ?
(1) Item-total correlation = Item-remainder correlation
(2) Item-total correlation is greater than or equal to item-remainder correlation.
(3) Item-total correlation is smaller than or equal to item-remainder correlation.
(4) Item-total correlation cannot be negative.
Answer: Item-total correlation is greater than or equal to item-remainder correlation.
(12) The difference in images in the two eyes is greater for objects that are close and smaller for distant objects is an example of
(1) Binocular Disparity
(2) Convergence
(3) Accommodation
(4) Relative Size
Answer: Binocular Disparity
(13) Shaping in instrumental conditioning means
(1) Teaching a complex sequence of behaviours by first shaping the final response in the sequence and then working backwards
(2) A continuous reinforcement schedule is used for establishing new behaviours.
(3) It involves reinforcing successive approximations of the final desired behaviour.
(4) Consistent occurrence of a behaviour in the presence of discriminative stimulus.
Answer: It involves reinforcing successive approximations of the final desired behaviour.
(14) According to Trichromatic theory of colour vision, which of the following are the three types of cones ?
(1) Red, Yellow and Blue
(2) Red, Blue and Green
(3) Yellow, Blue and Green
(4) Yellow, Red and Blue
Answer: Red, Blue and Green
(15) Which one of the following conclusion can be drawn on the basis of the above study ?
(1) The researcher’s hypothesis has been accepted.
(2) The researcher’s hypothesis has been rejected.
(3) The researcher’s hypothesis has been partially accepted.
(4) Inadequate data to evaluate researcher’s hypothesis.
Answer: The researcher’s hypothesis has been rejected.

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