Public Administration Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Public Administration Quiz - MCQs Set 18

(1) Development, according to Riggs “ is a process of increasing autonomy of social systems, made possible by rising levels of diffraction”. In the light of this, select which one of the following is not correct ?
(1) Increasing autonomy means discretion
(2) Discretion means the ability to choose among alternatives
(3) Diffraction means degree of differentiation in a social system
(4) It also means creating disintegration in a social system.
Answer: It also means creating disintegration in a social system.
(2) Which of the following a is not the structural feature of the Agraria model ?
(1) Pre-dominance of a scriptive, particularistic, and diffuse patterns
(2) Stable local groups and vast spatial mobility
(3) Relatively simple and stable “occupational” differentiation
(4) A deferential stratification system of diffuse impact
Answer: Stable local groups and vast spatial mobility


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(3) Which of the following committees made recommendations on the political rights of the civil servants of United Kingdom ?
(1) John H. Whitley Committee
(2) Sir John Whyatt Committee
(3) The Masterman Committee
(4) Lord Nolen Committee
Answer: The Masterman Committee
(4) Which one of the following is not the qualification for the President of USA ?
(1) He should be a natural born US citizen
(2) He should have attained atleast 35 years of age
(3) He should be a US resident for atleast 10 years.
(4) He should not have completed two terms of the Presidency.
Answer: He should be a US resident for atleast 10 years.
(5) Which of the following is not a feature of the Pendleton Act of 1883 ?
(1) It abolished the Jacksonian spoils system partially
(2) It firmly established the merit system.
(3) It established the United States Civil Service Commission.
(4) Its actions are subject to judicial review and can be declared void.
Answer: Its actions are subject to judicial review and can be declared void.
(6) Which one of the following is not the result of the Bretton Woods Conference held in July 1944 ?
(1) Articles of Agreement to create IMF
(2) Articles of Agreement to create IBRD
(3) Recommendations for international cooperation.
(4) Recommended a proposal to create WTO in coming years.
Answer: Recommended a proposal to create WTO in coming years.
(7) Gender discrimination is prohibited under which of the following provisions of Directive Principles of State Policy ?
(1) Article 39
(2) Article 40
(3) Article 41
(4) Article 42
Answer: Article 39
(8) Which one of the following is excluded from the jurisdiction of the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India ?
(1) Scheduled castes
(2) Scheduled tribes
(3) Economically backward classes
(4) Socially and educationally backward classes
Answer: Scheduled tribes
(9) When was the Central Social Welfare Board established ?
(1) January, 1953
(2) August, 1953
(3) October, 1953
(4) August, 1954
Answer: August, 1953
(10) Under National Health Mission community volunteers are called ASHAs. In this acronym first and last ‘A’s stand respectively for which of the following ?
(1) Active and Assistants
(2) Accredited and Activists
(3) Accredited and Actors
(4) Active and Attendants
Answer: Accredited and Activists
(11) Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding the Competition Commission of India ?
(1) It was established in 2003 for the first time.
(2) It replaced the MRTP Commission.
(3) Its tenure is 3 years.
(4) It is a tribunal to monitor healthy competition between the indigenous and foreign companies.
Answer: Its tenure is 3 years.
(12) Which of the following statements about the industrial policy reforms introduced in India is not correct ?
(1) The number of industries solely reserved for public sector is drastically reduced to three.
(2) Investment by large industrial houses need a separate clearance under the MRTP Act.
(3) Industrial licensing has been almost abolished.
(4) A new competition law has been put in place to regulate anti-competitive behaviour
Answer: Investment by large industrial houses need a separate clearance under the MRTP Act.
(13) In last round census identified slums in India in three different types. Which one of the following is not included in the categories ?
(1) Identified
(2) Notified
(3) Recognised
(4) Upcoming
Answer: Upcoming
(14) How much weightage is accorded to the population as per 2011 Census by the Fourteenth Finance Commission in horizontal devolution formula devised for allocation of funds to a state ?
(1) 25 percent
(2) 17.5 percent
(3) 15 percent
(4) 10 percent
Answer: 10 percent
(15) The concept of ‘Public Policy’ is not dealt by which of the following ?
(1) Harold D. Lasswell
(2) William Dunn
(3) William A. Niskanen
(4) Thomas R. Dye
Answer: William A. NiskanenSSSSS

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