Daily Quiz May 2021

Recently with which country China has suspended an economic dialogue?

Recently with which country China has suspended an economic dialogue? A. India B. Russia C.…

Daily Current Affairs Quiz 6 May 2021 -Gkseries

Daily Current Affairs Quiz 6 May 2021 are very important for Competitive Exams like SSC,…

Who recently launched Operation CO-JEET to fight COVID-19 in India?

Who recently launched Operation CO-JEET to fight COVID-19 in India? A. NITI Aayog B. Health…

Which of the following statements is/are correct with reference to the India-United Kingdom Virtual Summit?

Which of the following statements is/are correct with reference to the India-United Kingdom Virtual Summit?…

The Department of Telecom approved applications for conducting 5G trials includes for which of the following companies?

The Department of Telecom approved applications for conducting 5G trials includes for which of the…

Which of the following is a permanent freshwater lake?

Which of the following is a permanent freshwater lake? A. Chilika B. Pulicat C. Pangong…

Biodiesel is an alternative fuel, similar to conventional or ‘fossil’ diesel can be produced from

Biodiesel is an alternative fuel, similar to conventional or ‘fossil’ diesel can be produced from…

The SVAMITVA Framework is developed by

The SVAMITVA Framework is developed by A. Ministry of Finance B. Ministry of Health and…

Laboratory for the Conservation of Endangered Species is located in

Laboratory for the Conservation of Endangered Species is located in A. Delhi B. Mumbai C.…

Which of the following statements is/are correct with reference to the Production Linked Incentive Scheme (PLI) for IT Hardware?

Which of the following statements is/are correct with reference to the Production Linked Incentive Scheme…