Delhi Current Affairs

First Smog Tower of India inaugurated in Delhi

Delhi government has inaugurated the "country's first smog tower" at Connaught Place in Delhi, one…

Delhi government launched ‘faceless’ transport services

The Delhi government recently launched an ambitious “faceless” initiative by locking down four Regional Transport…

The H5N1 avian influenza and its fatality

Recently an 11-year-old boy died of H5N1 avian influenza in Delhi. This is the first…

Delhi government to provide real-time information about buses to passengers

The Delhi government joined hands with tech giant Google to provide real-time information about buses…

Delhi government approved project to identify real-time sources of pollution

The Delhi government commissioned the “Realtime Source apportionment” project which will help identify the factors…

Delhi launched a 15-day “Van Mahotsav” Program to increase the green cover

Delhi government launched the ‘Van Mahotsav’ (tree plantation festival) to increase the green cover of…

Karnam Malleswari appointed as the first Vice Chancellor of Delhi Sports University

Karnam Malleshwari, the first Indian woman to win a medal at the Olympics, has been…

Delhi decided to train 5,000 youths as health assistants

The Delhi government recently decided to train 5,000 youths to assist doctors and nurses as…

Delhi launched a vaccination campaign ‘Jahan Vote, Wahan Vaccination’

Chief Minister of Delhi launched ‘Jahan Vote, Wahan Vaccination’ campaign with the aim to vaccinate…

Delhi HC dismisses plea seeking to halt Central Vista work

The Delhi High Court dismissed a petition seeking to halt the construction activities at the…