Nervous System MCQs

Tremors are seen in disorder of?

Q. Tremors are seen in disorder of_________________? Basal gangliaPain pathwayPyramidal tractParathyroid gland Answer: Basal ganglia

Unmyelinated fibres differ from myelinated fibers in that they?

Q. Unmyelinated fibres differ from myelinated fibers in that they ______________? Have increased excitabilityHave to…

Which of the following is not true for myelinated nerve fibers?

Q. Which of the following is not true for myelinated nerve fibers? Impulse through myelinated…

Nerve cells form long projections called

Q. Nerve cells form long projections called ________. somaaxonsdendritessynapses Answer: axons

What is the outermost membrane surrounding the brain called?

Q. What is the outermost membrane surrounding the brain called? pia materarachnoid materdura materalma mater…

Chemicals called ________ are stored in neurons and released when the cell is stimulated by a signal

Q. Chemicals called ________ are stored in neurons and released when the cell is stimulated…

What term refers to an inflammation of brain tissues?

Q. What term refers to an inflammation of brain tissues? encephalitismeningitissinusitismeningoencephalitis Answer: encephalitis

The nerve that contains sensory fibers that are involved in hearing is

Q. The nerve that contains sensory fibers that are involved in hearing is cranial nerve…

Preparing the body for “fight-or-flight” response during threatening situations is the role of the

Q. Preparing the body for “fight-or-flight” response during threatening situations is the role of the:…

Which one of the following is the correct sequence of nerves that exit the spinal cord, going from superior to inferior

Q. Which one of the following is the correct sequence of nerves that exit the…