Political Science Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Political Science Quiz Set 18

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1 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act, under Article 243-B, states that “Panchayats at the intermediate level may not be constituted in a state having a population not exceeding _____”.
1 10 lakhs
2 15 lakhs
3 20 lakhs
4 30 lakhs

Answer:20 lakhs
2 Satish Chandra Committee was appointed to
1 review in service training of IAS officers
2 review and evaluate the system of selection to the higher civil services
3 review the Centre State relations
4 review the working of the Indian Constitution

Answer: review and evaluate the system of selection to the higher civil services
3 Who is the propounder of Structural Realism ?
1 Kenneth Waltz
2 E.H. Cars
3 Ronald Nebur
4 George Kennan

Answer:Kenneth Waltz
4 Which of the following are “four Pillars” of green politics ?
1 Ecological responsibility, social justice, non-violence and grass root democracy
2 Ecological responsibility, social justice, non-violence and western democracy
3 Ecological responsibility, social justice, non-violence and parliamentary democracy
4 Ecological responsibility, social and economic justice, non-violence and grass root democracy

Answer:Ecological responsibility, social justice, non-violence and grass root democracy
5 Which of the following was not included in Boutros Ghali’s “Agenda for Peace” ?
1 Peace Keeping
2 Peace Settlement
3 Peace Building
4 Peace Making

Answer:Peace Settlement
6 Which of the following countries was not a member of SEATO ?
1 Australia
2 New Zealand
3 Philippines
4 France

7 Which of the following does not promote trade liberalisation ?
1 Warsaw pact
2 European Union

Answer: Warsaw pact
8 Which of the following statements is not a part of Nehruvian Foreign Policy towards Pakistan ?
1 An adequate defence against aggression is vital.
2 To use international law and institutions as well as bilateral treaties and agreements to tie Pakistan down.
3 To wean Pakistan away from its external backers and supports.
4 Efforts should be made to sign a Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Co-operation with Pakistan.

Answer:Efforts should be made to sign a Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Co-operation with Pakistan.
9 Which of the following is not an organ of Kautilya’s state ?
1 Swami
2 Amatya
3 Varna system
4 Danda

Answer: Varna system
10 Defending policy is the function of :
1 Line agency
2 Staff agency
3 Auxiliary agency
4 Both Staff and Line agencies

Answer:Line agency
11 Communitarian theory lays emphasis on :
1 Community as an inescapable ideal
2 Unlimited freedom of the individual
3 Limited role of the state
4 Partial regulation of market economy

Answer:Community as an inescapable ideal
12 In whose description Maulana Azad, Jawaharlal Nehru, Vallabhbhai Patel and Rajendra Prasad formed ‘an oligarchy within the (Constituent) Assembly’ ?
1 Granville Austin
2 Morris Jones
3 V.P. Menon
4 Richard Sisson

Answer:Granville Austin
13 Which one of the following Acts has not been passed under article 34 of the Indian Constitution ?
1 The Border Security Force Act
2 The Police Forces (Restriction of Rights) Act
3 Armed Forces Special Power Act
4 The Army Act

Answer:Armed Forces Special Power Act
14 “The Supreme Court of India is at long last becoming, after thirty two years of the Republic, the Supreme Court for Indians”. Who said this ?
1 Justice V.R. Krishna Aiyyer
2 Justice P.N. Bhagwati
3 Upendra Baxi
4 Nani Palkhiwala

Answer: Upendra Baxi
15 “India has a hallowed place in discussions of democracy...... But it has become less tolerant, less secular, less law-abiding, less liberal. And these two trends - democratization and illiberalism- are directly related”. Who writes this ?
1 Atul Kohli
2 Sunil Khilnani
3 Fareed Zakaria
4 Paul R. Brass

Answer: Fareed Zakaria

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