Psychology Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Psychology Quiz Set 29

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1 The California F-Scale measures
1 The qualities associated with feminine characteristics.
2 The tendency for seeking sensation.
3 A person’s proneness to being rigid and authoritarian.
4 The qualities of extrovertion.

Answer:A person’s proneness to being rigid and authoritarian.
2 Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices is presumed to measure
1 Crystallized Intelligence
2 Convergent Thinking
3 General Intelligence
4 Spatial Reasoning

Answer:General Intelligence
3 A projection apparatus used to show visual stimuli for very brief durations is called
1 Visual Cliff
2 Tachistoscope
3 EEG Apparatus
4 Trapezoidal Window

4 Some factors that influence the effectiveness of rewards are

1. Magnitude of the reward

2. Reward delay

3. Successive approximation

4. Need


1 1, 2 and 4
2 2 and 4
3 1 and 2
4 2, 3 and 4

Answer:1, 2 and 4
5 Which of the following descriptions are correct ?

1. Weber’s Ratio means that greater the magnitude of a stimulus, smaller the change required for a difference to be detected.

2. The ability to detect, resolve and perceive fine details of a visual display is called visual acuity.

3. Stimulation of a succession of neighbouring retinal loci is called the image retina movement system.

(d) Field dependence or independence

4. Adaptation refers to the proportion of incident light that is reflected.


1 1 and 4 are correct.
2 2 and 1 are correct.
3 4 and 3 are correct.
4 2 and 3 are correct.

Answer:2 and 3 are correct.
6 Cognition refers to the mental activity associated with ______, understanding and _______ information.
1 processing; sending
2 passing; sending
3 processing; communicating
4 passing; communicating

Answer:processing; communicating
7 The left hemisphere is more skilled at
1 Seeing the forest not the trees.
2 Interpreting speech and language.
3 Analysing the melodies.
4 Judging the symmetry in a photograph.

Answer:Interpreting speech and language.
8 The perception that one is worse off relative to those with whom one compares oneself refers to
1 Constant deprivation
2 Continuous deprivation
3 Marginal deprivation
4 Relative deprivation

Answer:Relative deprivation
9 On a Wechsler type intelligence scale Arish has a deviation IQ of 115. If the norms of this test are expressed in terms of normalized T scores (mean = 50, SD = 10), what would be the T score of Arish ?
1 40
2 60
3 65
4 84

10 Which of the following are problems with punishment ?

1. The effect of punishment is often temporary.

2. Severe punishment creates fear and anxiety.

3. Mild punishment is paired with reinforcement of the correct behaviour.

4. Aggressive punishment can model aggressive behaviour.


1 1 and 4
2 2 and 3
3 2, 3 and 4
4 1, 2 and 4

Answer:1, 2 and 4
11 A numerical ability test with 50 items has a Cronbach alpha of .80. If the test is randomly divided into two halves of the some length, the expected correlation between the two halves would be


1 .40
2 .56
3 .67
4 .80

12 Organizing items into familiar, manageable units, often automatically, is termed
1 Priming
2 Chunking
3 Shaping
4 Encoding

13 Among the following concepts which are related to Alfred Adler’s theory of personality ?

1. Organ inferiority

2. Psychoticism

3. Archetypes

4. Masculine protest


1 1 and 4
2 2 and 3
3 1 and 2
4 4 and 3

Answer:1 and 4
14 Which of the following are true of short term memory ?

(A)1. Limited capacity.

(B)2. Brief storage of information.

(C)3. Unlimited capacity.

(D)4. Duration of storage less than twenty seconds.


1 1, 3 and 4
2 3 and 4
3 1, 2 and 4
4 2 and 4

Answer:1, 2 and 4
15 A view of memory suggesting that the greater the effort expended in processing information will be recalled later represents
1 Neural network models of memory.
2 Levels of processing model of memory.
3 Multiple components model of memory.
4 Three stage model of memory.

Answer:Levels of processing model of memory.

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