Psychology Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Psychology Quiz Set 64

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

Awards & Honours GK Questions 2024 (Latest Updated)

1 Which of the following attributions of an event with positive outcome shall be optimistic (non depressogenic) ?
1 Internal, stable and specific causes
2 External, unstable and global causes
3 Internal, stable and global causes
4 External, unstable and specific causes

Answer:Internal, stable and global causes
2 A child was classified as a case of mental retardation. On DSM IV / IV (TR), this diagnosis would be recorded on :
1 Axis I
2 Axis II
3 Axis III
4 Axis IV

Answer:Axis IV
3 Awareness of one’s own thought processes enabling effective learning through correction is called :
1 Algorithm
2 Analogies
3 Meta cognition
4 Constructive process

Answer:Meta cognition
4 How many subjects would be required in a 3 × 3 × 2 factorial design with ten subjects per cell ?
1 10
2 18
3 90
4 180

5 Mechanistic model ofgrowth focuses on :

1. Role of environmental input and behaviour output.

2. Evolutionary origin

3. Quantitative increase in learned responses


1 1 and 2
2 1 and 3
3 2 and 3
4 1, 2 and 3

Answer:1 and 3
6 Selye largely ignored the contribution of one of the following in stress :
1 Adrenal medulla
2 Anterior pituitary
3 Adrenal cortex
4 Chronic psychological factors

Answer:Adrenal medulla
7 Which of the following clinical procedure/s is/are not based on classical conditioning ?

1. Flooding

2. Transference

3. Client centered therapy

4. Systematic desensitization


1 1 only
2 2 and 3 only
3 1, 2 and 3 only
4 1, 3 and 4 only

Answer:2 and 3 only
8 Annual or semi-annual ratings of each employee’s performance, coupled with feedback about the ratings they receive are referred to as
1 Performance appraisals
2 Rating inventories
3 Behaviourally anchored rating scales
4 Graphic rating scales

Answer:Performance appraisals
9 Arrange the following needs in accordance with Maslow’s hierarchy :

1. Esteem needs

2. Love – belongingness

3. Physiological needs

4. Safety needs

5. Self-actualization


1 3 2 1 4 5
2 3 2 4 1 5
3 3 4 1 2 5
4 3 4 2 1 5

Answer:3 4 2 1 5
10 What is true for the contention that we are normally driven to eat by the anticipated pleasure of eating ?
1 Set point theory
2 Negative feedback system
3 Positive incentive theory
4 Homeostatis

11 What does reduce the problem distance between starting point and the goal ?
1 Normative – utilitarian
2 Means – end analysis
3 Normative – logical
4 Heuristic short cuts

Answer:Means – end analysis
12 In an experiment if a light is repeatedly presented just before the electric shock is given the animal learns :
1 Operant escape and then operant avoidance
2 Operant avoidance and then operant escape
3 Only operant escape
4 Only operant avoidance

Answer:Only operant escape
13 The contention that our facial expressions influence our emotional experience, attests to which of the following hypotheses ?
1 Universality hypothesis of facial expressions
2 Emotional specificity hypothesis of ANS activity
3 Emotional generality hypothesis of ANS activity
4 Facial feedback hypothesis

Answer:Facial feedback hypothesis
14 In the two-way ANOVA, with A and B as the independent variables, if the F ratio computed as MSA×B/MSW is significant, it can be concluded that

1. Main effect of A is significant.

2. Main effect of B is significant.

3. Interaction effect is significant.


1 3 only
2 1 and 2 only
3 2 and 3 only
4 1, 2 and 3

Answer:3 only
15 Which among the following is a reversible lesion ?
1 Cryogenic lesion
2 Aspiration lesion
3 Radio-Frequency lesion
4 Knife cut lesion

Answer:Cryogenic lesion

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