Women Studies Objective Questions and Answers | Women Studies MCQs | Test Set 36

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1 In which year was International Women’s Day first celebrated ?
1 1908
2 1911
3 1913
4 1914

Answer: 1911
2 Which of the following statements is correct about Women’s Studies as an academic discipline ?
1 It applies existing social science research methodology for further research.
2 It accepts the existing theories for analysis.
3 It studies the social reality from feminist perspective, placing women’s experiences at the centre.
4 It covers all studies conducted on women’s issues and their solutions.

Answer: It studies the social reality from feminist perspective, placing women’s experiences at the centre.
3 The need for Women’s Studies was realized when concerned women and men noticed
1 the presence of women in higher education curriculum.
2 the ways in which women were systematically excluded from many positions of power and authority.
3 the way masculinity and femineity interacted with each other and come closer.
4 the way history courses taught only about women as leaders in wars.

Answer: the ways in which women were systematically excluded from many positions of power and authority.
4 Which stream of feminism advocates “women must become a self, a subject who transcends definitions, labels and essences. She must make herself whatever she wants to be.” ?
1 Post-modern Feminism
2 Psychoanalytic Feminism
3 Existentialist Feminism
4 Multicultural Feminism

Answer: Existentialist Feminism
5 The ________ perspective combines the exploitation of women by capitalism with patriarchy in the home in its analysis of gender inequality.
1 Socialist Feminist
2 Radical Feminist
3 Liberal Feminist
4 Democratic Feminist

Answer: Socialist Feminist
6 Which of the following variables is the most critical for those who focus on gender oppression theory ?
1 Culture
2 Power
3 Money
4 Mothering

Answer: Power
7 Identify the correct set of data collection technique arranged in the ascending order according to the degree of personal involvement of the researcher :
1 Participant observation, mail questionnaires, unstructured interview, structured interview
2 Mail questionnaires, unstructured interview, participant observation, structured interview
3 Mail questionnaires, structured interview, unstructured interview, participant observation
4 Unstructured interview, structured interview, participant observation, mail questionnaires

Answer: Mail questionnaires, structured interview, unstructured interview, participant observation
8 The Fourth National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4) being implemented in 2014-2015 conducted by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare will provide estimates of indicators in
1 29 States of India
2 29 States and seven Union territories of India
3 30 States and three Union territories
4 30 States and six Union territories

Answer: 29 States and seven Union territories of India
9 Which of the following is not a characteristic of feminist research ?
1 Researcher and subject are interdependent.
2 Observer and observed are not connected.
3 Subject and researcher are placed in the equal empirical level.
4 Science and nature are kept in harmony.

Answer: Observer and observed are not connected.
10 In which year the first Women’s Rights Convention was held in Seneca Falls ?
1 1648
2 1784
3 1868
4 1848

Answer: 1848
11 Arrange the following books chronologically :

(i) The Vindication of the Rights of Women.

(ii) The Origin of the Family Private Property and The State.

(iii) The Feminine Mystique.

(iv) The Second Sex.

Codes :
1 (i), (ii), (iv), (iii)
2 (ii), (i), (iv), (iii)
3 (iv), (i), (iii), (ii)
4 (ii), (iv), (iii), (i)

Answer: (i), (ii), (iv), (iii)
12 Gender Parity Index (MHRD, 2013) at the Upper Primary Level is
1 0.97
2 1.01
3 0.95
4 0.96

Answer: 0.95
13 What is correct about Religion ?

i. It is unified system of beliefs and practices

ii. It is a source of value system which sets the rationale for social actions.

iii. Different religions set the different guidelines for the life-styles of the people.

iv. Religion and caste are hardcore of Indian society and influence the people very strongly.

Codes :
1 i, ii, iii and iv
2 i, ii and iv only
3 ii, iii and iv only
4 i, iii and iv only

Answer: i, ii, iii and iv
14 What is gendered division of labour ?
1 It negates the “double burden”.
2 It is based on gender-structured conceptions of appropriate work.
3 It is increase in women’s compensation worldwide.
4 It is caste-based division of labour.

Answer: It is based on gender-structured conceptions of appropriate work.
15 When feminist theorists say that subordinate groups experience social life as a balancing of roles, they mean that :
1 Subordinate groups have to merge their interests and orientations as they navigate social institutions.
2 Subordinate groups have the capacity to compartmentalize their lives and actions.
3 A subordinate group’s experience can be generalized to the dominant group’s experience.
4 It describes social reality in an objective and truthful manner.

Answer: Subordinate groups have to merge their interests and orientations as they navigate social institutions.

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