Answer: 1911
Answer: It studies the social reality from feminist perspective, placing women’s experiences at the centre.
Answer: the ways in which women were systematically excluded from many positions of power and authority.
Answer: Existentialist Feminism
Answer: Socialist Feminist
Answer: Power
Answer: Mail questionnaires, structured interview, unstructured interview, participant observation
Answer: 29 States and seven Union territories of India
Answer: Observer and observed are not connected.
Answer: 1848
(i) The Vindication of the Rights of Women.
(ii) The Origin of the Family Private Property and The State.
(iii) The Feminine Mystique.
(iv) The Second Sex.
Codes :Answer: (i), (ii), (iv), (iii)
i. It is unified system of beliefs and practices
ii. It is a source of value system which sets the rationale for social actions.
iii. Different religions set the different guidelines for the life-styles of the people.
iv. Religion and caste are hardcore of Indian society and influence the people very strongly.
Codes :Answer: i, ii, iii and iv
Answer: It is based on gender-structured conceptions of appropriate work.
Answer: Subordinate groups have to merge their interests and orientations as they navigate social institutions.