Education Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Education Quiz Set 46

(1) School teacher, Mr. Patel developed a model of curriculum with the help of his students. In coming years this model became so popular that gradually all schools at district, state and national level implemented this model. This may be called an example of
(1) Demonstration Model
(2) Grass root Model
(3) Administrative Model
(4) System Analysis Model
Answer: Grass root Model
(2) Summative evaluation implies
(1) Use of daily quizzes
(2) Monitoring of learning through homework
(3) Terminal tests
(4) Weekly grading of students
Answer: Terminal tests


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(3) A child fainted during school prayer. As a principal of the school, what will you do ?
(1) Ask a teacher to conduct the prayer and take the child to a doctor.
(2) Ask a teacher to care for the child and continue conducting the prayer.
(3) Ask a teacher to take the child to his/her home and continue with prayer.
(4) Ask a teacher to continue with prayer, supervise the first aid to the child and resume the prayer.
Answer: Ask a teacher to continue with prayer, supervise the first aid to the child and resume the prayer.
(4) The full form of PERT is
(1) Programme of Education, Research and Training
(2) Programme of Educational Review Technique
(3) Programme of Evaluation Review Technique
(4) Personality Evaluation Review Technique
Answer: Programme of Evaluation Review Technique
(5) In the long run which leadership style is most effective ?
(1) Autocratic
(2) Participative
(3) Transactional
(4) Transformational
Answer: Transformational
(6) Which one of the following is not a characteristic of perspective planning ?
(1) One plan for a period of 20 or 25 years
(2) Long term planning
(3) Long range targets set in advance
(4) Reviewing the long term plan every year
Answer: One plan for a period of 20 or 25 years
(7) In continuous comprehensive evaluation which of the following devices will help in ensuring comprehensive nature of the evaluation ?
(1) Focussing on cognitive areas of performance
(2) Including a number of evaluation tools for cognitive and non-cognitive areas
(3) Focussing on co-cognitive areas
(4) Involving a large number of expertise in test preparation
Answer: Including a number of evaluation tools for cognitive and non-cognitive areas
(8) Which one of the following will be called a typical characteristics test ?
(1) Aptitude test
(2) Achievement test
(3) Performance test
(4) Personality inventory
Answer: Personality inventory
(9) A gifted Child will tend to surpass the average child in which of the following areas ?
(1) Physical health and well being
(2) Social maturity and poise
(3) Academic achievement
(4) Breadth of interest and general versatility
Answer: Academic achievement
(10) In which area do deaf children tend to show relative inferiority as compared to hearing children
(1) Socio-emotional development
(2) Language development
(3) Personal and social development
(4) Academic progress
Answer: Language development
(11) Which of the following is not an element of Inclusive education ?
(1) Regard for diversity
(2) Zero rejection
(3) Collaboration
(4) Special class placement
Answer: Special class placement
(12) Multiple sclerosis is a
(1) Degenerative neuromuscular disease and is not infectious.
(2) Neuromuscular disease presenting as a weakening of the muscles.
(3) Neural tube defect caused by failure of spinal column to properly seal around the spinal cord.
(4) Brain injury caused by severe trauma to the head that results in lasting physical and cognitive impairments
Answer: Degenerative neuromuscular disease and is not infectious.
(13) Autosomal disorders are those
(1) Resulting from a defect with 23rd pair of chromosomes and involves a pinched Xchromosome.
(2) Resulting from a defect in the 22nd pairs of chromosomes that are not related to gender.
(3) Resulting from a defect due to chronic genetic disorder.
(4) Resulting from an inherited metabolic disorder.
Answer: Resulting from a defect in the 22nd pairs of chromosomes that are not related to gender.
(14) Which of the following institution is the apex body for controlling, guiding and monitoring the activities and programmes of DIETS and other centrally sponsored schemes for teacher education ?
(1) National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE). .
(2) National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT).
(3) University Grants Commission (UGC).
(4) State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT).
Answer: State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT).
(15) Orientation and refresher courses are the devices for competency building in
(1) Pre-service teacher education
(2) In-service teacher education
(3) Distance education programmes for teachers
(4) Faculty improvement programme for teacher education
Answer: In-service teacher education

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