English Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) and Answers | English Quiz Set 50

(1) The Bhasmasura myth is used in R.K. Narayan’s _________.
(1) The Man-Eater of Malgudi
(2) The Financial Expert
(3) The English Teacher
(4) The World of Nagaraj
Answer: The Man-Eater of Malgudi
(2) Select the right chronological sequence of the date of Bible translations.
(1) King James Version – Tyndale –Revised Standard Version – Holman Christian Standard Bible
(2) Revised Standard Version – King James Version – Tyndale – Holman Christian Standard Bible
(3) Tyndale – King James Version – Revised Standard Version – Holman Christian Standard Version
(4) Revised Standard Version – Holman Christian Standard Bible – King James Version– Tyndale
Answer: Tyndale – King James Version – Revised Standard Version – Holman Christian Standard Version


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(3) The last word in James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake is
(1) No
(2) The
(3) Morning !
(4) Jaysus
Answer: The

Assertion (A) : In so far as we are taught how to read, what we engage are not texts but paradigms.

Reason (R) : We appropriate meaning from a text according to what we need or desire, or, in other words, according to the critical assumptions or predispositions that we bring to it.

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Answer: Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(5) One of the key terms in Michel Foucault’s work is discourse. This is best described as
(1) the power of persuasion in all articulations.
(2) the selective language powerful people use.
(3) conceptual frameworks which enable some mode of thought and deny or severely constrain certain others.
(4) the ability to suggest transcendental levels of meaning in an utterance.
Answer: conceptual frameworks which enable some mode of thought and deny or severely constrain certain others.
(6) Which character of Henrik Ibsen speaks the following lines : “The life of a normally constituted idea is generally about seventeen or eighteen years, at the most twenty ?”
(1) Nora in A Doll’s House.
(2) Dr. Thomas Stockman in An Enemy of the People.
(3) John Rosmer in Rosmerscholm.
(4) Oswald in Ghosts.
Answer: Dr. Thomas Stockman in An Enemy of the People.
(7) In literary studies structuralism promotes
(1) new interpretations of literary works.
(2) the view that literature is one signifying practice among others.
(3) a systematic account of literary archetypes.
(4) unstable structures of systems of signification.
Answer: the view that literature is one signifying practice among others.
(8) P.B. Shelley’s Julian and Maddalo is a conversation between Julian and Count Maddalo. Who do these two characters represent ?
(1) Julian represents Keats and Count Maddalo, Byron.
(2) Julian represents Shelley and Count Maddalo, Byron.
(3) Julian represents Shelley and Count Maddalo, William Godwin.
(4) Julian represents Mary Shelley and Count Maddalo, William Godwin.
Answer: Julian represents Shelley and Count Maddalo, Byron.
(9) What is practical criticism ?
(1) The close analysis of literary texts in such a way as to bring out their political meaning.
(2) A movement which wished to make literary criticism more relevant.
(3) The close analysis of poems without taking account of any external information.
(4) The study of ambiguity.
Answer: The close analysis of poems without taking account of any external information.
(10) Which of the following does not describe some of the practices/beliefs of feminist literary criticism ?
(1) Feminist criticism recuperates female writers ignored by the canon.
(2) Feminist literary critics offer a criticism of the construction of gender.
(3) Feminist literary critics argue that the traditional canon is justified.
(4) Feminist literary critics mostly reject the essentialising of ‘male’ and ‘female’.
Answer: Feminist literary critics argue that the traditional canon is justified.
(11) Which work by Franz Kafka is also known as The Man Who Disappeared ?
(1) The Castle
(2) “Metamorphosis”
(3) “In the Penal Colony”
(4) Amerika
Answer: Amerika
(12) Towards the end of Evelyn Waugh’s A Handful of Dust the protagonist Tony Last is trapped in the jungle by the calculating crazy Mr. Todd who forces him to read and reread the novels of a particular author. Waugh has also written a short story dealing with Tony’s singular experience in the jungle. Who is the novelist referred to and what is the title of the short story ?
(1) the soul perceives the phenomenal diversity of the Rudyard Kipling, “Revisiting the Jungle”.
(2) Joseph Conrad, “Shadows of the Dark Trees”.
(3) Charles Dickens, “The Man Who Liked Dickens”.
(4) Henry Fielding, “Tom Jones’s Journey into the Wild”.
Answer: Charles Dickens, “The Man Who Liked Dickens”.
(13) At the beginning of the Restoration period, there was a seismic shift in the social, political and religious attitudes of the English. Which of the following statements best describes that shift ?
(1) England shifted from an aristocratic Catholic monarchy to a parliamentary democracy.
(2) England shifted from an atheistic oligarchy to a deistic squirearchy.
(3) England shifted from a Republican Puritan Commonwealth to an aristocratic Anglican monarchy.
(4) England shifted from a parliamentary democracy to an aristocratic Catholic tyranny.
Answer: England shifted from a Republican Puritan Commonwealth to an aristocratic Anglican monarchy.
(14) The Grammar-Translation Method in English Language Teaching stresses on
(1) Fluency
(2) Accuracy
(3) Appropriateness
(4) Listening Skill
Answer: Accuracy
(15) Identify the poet, translator, publisher and essayist who founded a press in the 1950s called Writers’ Workshop and provided a publishing outlet for Indians writing in English.
(1) P. Lal.
(2) A.K. Mehrotra.
(3) Vinay Dharwadkar.
(4) A.K. Ramanujan.
Answer: P. Lal.

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