Evolution MCQs | Evolution Very Short Questions and Answers

(1) The evolution of genera ‘Homo’ occured in
[A] pleistocene
[B] pliocene
[C] miocene
[D] oilgocene
Answer: pliocene
(2) Closest primate to man is
[A] gorilla
[B] rhesus monkey
[C] orangutan
[D] lemur
Answer: gorilla
(3) A. From evolutionary point of view, human gestation period is believed to be shortening.
R. One major evolutionary trend in humans has been the larger head undergoing relatively faster growth rate in the foetal stage.
Read the above statement the answer according
[A] If A and R both one correct and R is an explanation to A
[B] If A and R both are correct and R is an explanation to A
[C] If A is correct and R is wrong
[D] If A is wrong and R is correct
Answer: If A is wrong and R is correct
(4) There are two opposing views about origin of modern man, According to the view Homo erectus in Asia were the ancestors of modern man. A study of variation of DNA however suggested African origin of modern man. What kind of observation on DNA variation could suggest this ?
[A] Greater variation in Africa than in Asia
[B] Variation only in Asia and no variation in Africa
[C] Greater variation in Asia than in Africa
[D] Similar variation in Africa and Asia
Answer: Greater variation in Asia than in Africa
(5) The force that initiates evolution is ______
[A] Variation
[B] Mutation
[C] Extinction
[D] Adaptation
Answer: Variation
(6) ___________ is a vestigial organ
[A] Intestinal villi
[B] Papillae
[C] Vermiform appendix
[D] None of the above
Answer: Vermiform appendix
(7) The earliest geological time period among the following is _______
[A] Cambrian
[B] Permian
[C] Jurassic
[D] Quaternary
Answer: Cambrian
(8) The experiment that simulated conditions thought to be present on the early earth
[A] Hershey–Chase experiment
[B] Geiger–Marsden experiment
[C] Miller–Urey experiment
[D] Schiehallion experiment
Answer: Miller–Urey experiment
(9) Example of a homologous organ
[A] The arm of a human, wing of a bird
[B] Wing of an insect, wing of a bird
[C] Leg of a dog, leg of a spider
[D] None of the above
Answer: The arm of a human, wing of a bird
(10) Primordial soup is a set of hypothetical conditions on ancient earth first proposed by______
[A] Dmitri Ivanovsky
[B] Alexander Oparin
[C] Dmitry Anuchin
[D] Nikolay Shatsky
Answer: Alexander Oparin
(11) Which condition can be explained by Lamarckism?
[A] How giraffes got their long neck
[B] How humans lost their tail
[C] How humans became bipedal
[D] All of the above
Answer: All of the above
(12) Observation of species on ___________ heavily inspired Darwin’s theory of evolution.
[A] Ilha da Queimada Grande
[B] Guatemala
[C] Faroe Islands
[D] Galapagos Islands
Answer: Galapagos Islands
(13) _____________ was considered as a missing link between reptiles and birds.
[A] Archaeopteryx
[B] Pteranodon
[C] Avimimus
[D] Caudipteryx
Answer: Archaeopteryx
(14) The oldest mineral discovered so far was __________, which dates back to 4.4 billion years.
[A] Iron
[B] Zircon
[C] Cadmium
[D] Silicon
Answer: Zircon
(15) Pidgeon, platypus and panda are _______
[A] Homeothermic
[B] Poikilothermic
[C] Hyperthermic
[D] None of the above
Answer: Homeothermic
(16) The last common ancestor of humans is
[A] Pan troglodytes
[B] Homo neanderthalensis
[C] Lemuroidea
[D] Dromaeosaurus
Answer: Pan troglodytes
(17) An example of convergent evolution is
[A] Wing of Hawkmoths, the wing of hawks
[B] Teeth of domestic dog, teeth of a wolf
[C] Wings of Geospiza magnirostris, wings of Geospiza fortis
[D] None of the above
Answer: Wing of Hawkmoths, the wing of hawks
(18) On the Origin of Species was written by ______
[A] Charles Darwin
[B] Ludmila Kuprianova
[C] Mikhail A. Fedonkin
[D] Ituhbuna Lawraga
Answer: Charles Darwin
(19) When did dinosaurs die off?
[A] 105.1 million years ago
[B] 65.5 million years ago
[C] 75.5 million years ago
[D] None of the above
Answer: 65.5 million years ago
(20) Who had given the theory of evolution of species by natural selection?
[A] Darwin
[B] Mendel
[C] Dalton
[D] Morgan
Answer: Darwin

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