Evolution MCQs | Evolution Short Questions and Answers

(1) Von baer supports the theory of evolution on the basis of
[A] Embryological character
[B] Germs layers
[C] Somatic variations
[D] Genetic variations
Answer: Embryological character
(2) Which of the following bird will be called most successfully evolved ?
[A] Lays 2 eggs, 2 hatch and 2 reproduce
[B] Lays 9 eggs, 9 hatch and 3 reproduce
[C] Lays 5 eggs, 5 hatch and 5 reproduce
[D] Lays 10 eggs, 5 hatch and 4 reproduce
Answer: Lays 5 eggs, 5 hatch and 5 reproduce
(3) Biogenetic law states that
[A] ontogeny repeats phylogeny
[B] phylogeny repeats ontogeny
[C] no two living organisms are alike
[D] the favourable acquired characters are inherited
Answer: ontogeny repeats phylogeny
(4) A study of evolution has established the systematic positions in many animals. In some animals chordate characters are absent in adult stage, but present in larval stage, eg. Herdmania has been included in
[A] crustacea
[B] protochordata
[C] dermaptera
[D] onychophora
Answer: protochordata
(5) Many of the animals and plants found on islands are
[A] endemic
[B] exotic
[C] sympatric
[D] none of these
Answer: endemic
(6) The Haeckel’s theory of biogenetic Law means that
[A] all organisms start as an egg
[B] life history of an organism reflects its evolutionary history
[C] nonliving matter from life
[D] progeny resembles parents
Answer: life history of an organism reflects its evolutionary history
(7) The best way of dating fossils recent origin is by
[A] radio carbon method
[B] uranium lead method
[C] potassium argon method
[D] a combination of all these
Answer: a combination of all these
(8) The age of rock is calculated on the basis of
[A] types of fossils present
[B] number of strata present
[C] amount of uranium present
[D] none above
Answer: amount of uranium present
(9) It is not a true fossil
[A] Placoderm
[B] Limulus
[C] Archeopteryx
[D] Therapsid
Answer: Limulus
(10) These are some examples of vestigial structures in man
[A] wisdom tooth vermiform appendix, hair
[B] wisdom tooth, vermiform appendix, coccyx
[C] wisdom tooth, head, nails
[D] none of these
Answer: wisdom tooth, vermiform appendix, coccyx
(11) Precipitation test gives evidence from
[A] comparative embryology
[B] comparative anatomy
[C] comparative serology
[D] none above
Answer: comparative serology
(12) In external appearance the krait and lycodon are indistinguishable. This is an example of
[A] analogy
[B] imitation
[C] mimicry
[D] homology
Answer: mimicry
(13) The Jurassic period belongs to the ......era.
[A] proterozoic
[B] archezoic
[C] mesozoic
[D] Cenozoic
Answer: mesozoic
(14) Which of the following cannot determine phylogenetic relationships?
[A] Physiology
[B] Morphology
[C] Biogeography
[D] Embryology
Answer: Morphology
(15) Mesozoic era is called golden period of
[A] birds
[B] amphibians
[C] reptiles
[D] pisces
Answer: reptiles
(16) Which of the following leads to evolution ?
[A] Separation of species leading to evolution
[B] Differentiation of species
[C] Loss of few advanced characters
[D] Differentiation and adaption of species as unique entities
Answer: Differentiation and adaption of species as unique entities
(17) Evolution and natural selection is demonstrated by
[A] DDT resistance in mosquito
[B] sickel cell anaemia in pygmies
[C] industral melanism
[D] all above
Answer: all above
(18) An important evidence in favour of organic evolution is the occurence of
[A] homologous and analogous organs
[B] homologous and vestigial organs
[C] analogous and vestigial organs
[D] homologous organs only
Answer: homologous and vestigial organs
(19) Potato and sweet potato
[A] have edible parts which are homologous organs
[B] have edible part which are analogous organs
[C] have been introduced in India from the same place
[D] None of the above
Answer: have edible part which are analogous organs
(20) An old view about evolution states that the organisms were created by a super organism in the same condition as they exist now. This theory is called
[A] theory of special creation
[B] theory of natural selection
[C] Lamarck’s theory of evolution
[D] theory of spontaneous generation
Answer: theory of special creation

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