Sociological Foundation of Education Quiz | Sociological Foundation of Education Objective Type Questions and Answers

(21) Out of the following four branches of psychology, with which sociology has got maximum linkage?
[A] Child Psychology
[B] Industrial Psychology
[C] Social Psychology
[D] General Psychology
Answer: Social Psychology
(22) “Group defined by a sex relationship, sufficiently precise and enduring to provide for the procreation and up-bringing of children”— this definition given by Maclver refers to
[A] Community
[B] Primary Group
[C] Family
[D] Nursery Schools
Answer: Family


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(23) The difference between the social groups, in the degree of cultural development; or the degree of antipathy manifested by individuals belonging to one group towards individuals belonging to the other is known as social
[A] Apathy
[B] Disorder
[C] Distance
[D] Selection
Answer: Apathy
(24) Any collection of human beings who are brought into social relationship with one another, is called a/an
[A] Family
[B] Office
[C] Institution
[D] Group
Answer: Group
(25) The act of adopting oneself, and one’s behaviour, to the conditions and requirement of the community in which one lives is called social
[A] Adaptation
[B] Adjustment
[C] Behaviour
[D] dynamic
Answer: Adaptation
(26) Which of the following can serve as the suitable example of the primary group?
[A] School
[B] Church
[C] Community
[D] All the above
Answer: Church
(27) If in a social set up people are working against others in order to obtain possession, they are said to have
[A] Conflict
[B] Cooperation
[C] Competition
[D] None Of The Above
Answer: Conflict
(28) Indian society can be divided into various levels of people. Which of the following is not one of those?
[A] Upper class
[B] Hindus
[C] Middle class
[D] None of these
Answer: Hindus
(29) A level in society made up of people similar in certain respect is known as
[A] Social order
[B] Social class
[C] Social hierarchy
[D] None of the Above
Answer: Social class
(30) Which among the following is the advantage that does not come to the followers under a specific leadership?
[A] The goal achievement satisfaction
[C] The difficulties that may result by the risk of failure
[D] The advantage of getting an all round leader and guide
Answer: The goal achievement satisfaction
31 Who gives the system of education in India?
[A] Family
[B] Society
[C] State
[D] All of these
Answer: State
32 On whose help are the educational institution depend maximum?
[A] Society
[B] Community
[C] State
[D] All of these
Answer: State
33 Which of the following sanctions can be applied for an offence by an individual in simple societies?
[A] Penal sanctions
[B] Moral sanctions
[C] Ritual sanctions
[D] All of these
Answer: All of these
34 Which of the following simple societies possess distinct political institutions?
[A] The Zulu
[B] The Ba Mangwato
[C] The Ba Nyankole
[D] All of the above
Answer: All of the above
35 The essential attributes of a state are
[A] Population
[B] Government
[C] Sovereignty
[D] All of these
Answer: All of these
36 In which of the following works, the theory of Social Contract was first propounded?
[A] Social Contract
[B] Leviathan
[C] Two Treatises of Civil Government
[D] None of the above
Answer: Leviathan
37 “We, the people… having solemnly resolved to constitute… into a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic, and to secure to all its citizens: Justice, Social, Economic and Political: Liberty of thought, expression, faith, belief- and worship; Equality of Status and Opportunity; and to promote among all, Fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and unity and integrity of the nation”. Who stated these words indicating the movement of man from the state of nature to political society?
[A] Manu
[B] Kautilya
[C] Rousseau
[D] Constitution of India
Answer: Constitution of India
38 Who was the propounder of the Patriarchal theory of the state?
[A] Jenkins
[B] McLennan
[C] Sir Henry Maine
[D] None of the above
Answer: Sir Henry Maine
39 The importance of the Patriarchal theory of the origin of State
[A] Is doubtful
[B] Provides the simplest explanation of the origin of state which really is the product of complex circumstances
[C] Overlooks the other factors in the development of the state
[D] Emphasizes the concept of command and the obedience which is the basis of political obligation
Answer: Provides the simplest explanation of the origin of state which really is the product of complex circumstances
40 Application of principles of sociology to education is known as
[A] Sociology of education
[B] Educational sociology
[C] Social foundations of education
[D] None Of The Above
Answer: Sociology of education

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