Sociology Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) and Answers for Competitive Exams | Sociology Quiz Set 17

(1) ‘Individuals, families and groups in the population can be said to be in poverty when they lack the resources to obtain the types of diet, participate in activities and have the living conditions and amenities which are customary, or atleast widely encouraged or approved, in the societies to which they belong. Their resources are so seriously below those commanded by average individual or family that they are, in effect, excluded from the ordinary living patterns, customs and activities. (Townsend, 1979, cf Harlambos and Hoborn : Sociology, p.297). From the above paragraph in which of the following way ‘poverty’ is defined ?
(1) Poverty is absolute term.
(2) Poverty as ‘Relative deprivation’.
(3) Poverty as ‘absence of resources’.
(4) Poverty as ‘exclusion of activities’.
Answer: Poverty as ‘Relative deprivation’.
(2) The ‘collective bargaining’ usually centres around
(1) share in profit, job security and good working conditions
(2) job satisfaction, job security and new technology
(3) exploitation, profit generation and reinvestment
(4) corporate responsibility, global networking and profit sharing
Answer: share in profit, job security and good working conditions


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(3) “Integrate the working class into capitalist societies, making them less likely to become a radical or revolutionary force.” This statement is related to
(1) Political Parties
(2) Interest Groups
(3) Trade Unions
(4) Peer Group
Answer: Trade Unions
(4) The average number of live-born children produced by women of childbearing age in a particular society, called
(1) Morbidity Rate
(2) Mortality Rate
(3) Fertility Rate
(4) Fecundity Rate
Answer: Fertility Rate
(5) “The economic perspective that believes that free market forces, achieved by minimizing Government restrictions on business, provides the only route to economic growth.” This statement explains the concept of
(1) Post modernity
(2) Neo-liberalization
(3) Neo-Marxism
(4) Neo-Fordism
Answer: Neo-liberalization
(6) Which of the following does not cause ‘global warming’ ?
(1) Greenhouses effects
(2) Rise in the earth’s temperature
(3) Nano-technology
(4) Industrial development
Answer: Nano-technology
(7) Who among the following is associated with ‘HumanDevelopment Index (HDI) formeasuring the level of developmentamong various countries ?
(1) Raymond Firth
(2) Mahabub-ul-Haque
(3) M.N. Srinivas
(4) A.R. Desai
Answer: Mahabub-ul-Haque
(8) The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) suggests
(1) cross border trade in education
(2) localization of education
(3) only state funding in education
(4) Corporate funding in primary and state funding in professional education
Answer: cross border trade in education
(9) Who among the following is not a Scheduled Tribe of India ?
(1) Bhils
(2) Santhals
(3) Gurjars
(4) Ho
Answer: Gurjars
(10) Which one of the following is not correct with regard to peasant ?
(1) The peasant represents little tradition.
(2) The peasants in India are predominantly represented by the middle strata of caste hierarchy.
(3) The peasants are dependants on land for the mainstay of their livelihood.
(4) Though the peasants are dependent on land for the mainstay of their livelihood, they resort to several other activities for their livelihood security.
Answer: Though the peasants are dependent on land for the mainstay of their livelihood, they resort to several other activities for their livelihood security.
(11) Which one of the social movements in rural India can be termed as anexample of ‘old’ social movements ?
(1) Environment movements
(2) Peasant movements
(3) Ethnic movements
(4) Regional autonomy movements
Answer: Peasant movements
(12) Which one of the following is not a features of caste system ?
(1) Endogamy, purity and pollution, ritual hierarchy and ascribed occupation.
(2) Exogamy, purity and pollution, ritual hierarchy and ascribed occupation.
(3) Endogamy, purity and pollution, ritual hierarchy and achieved occupation.
(4) Monogamy, purity andpollution, secular hierarchy andascribed occupation
Answer: Endogamy, purity and pollution, ritual hierarchy and achieved occupation.
(13) Who defined peasants as ’small agricultural producers, who, with the help of simple equipment and the labour of their families, produce mostly for their own consumption, direct or indirect, and for the fulfilment of obligations to holders of political and economic power’ ?
(1) A. Beteille
(2) T. Shanin
(3) A.R. Desai
(4) A.V. Chayanor
Answer: T. Shanin
(14) In Indian context increase in slum population depicts
(1) an extension of rural poverty
(2) an extension of rural prosperity
(3) an extension of urban prosperity
(4) a process of urbanization
Answer: an extension of rural poverty
(15) Which one of the following is not a push factor of rural to urban migration ?
(1) Rural unemployment
(2) Increasing practice of dowry in rural areas
(3) Rural poverty
(4) Decline of cottage and household industry in rural areas
Answer: Increasing practice of dowry in rural areas

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