Algae MCQs

Ancestors of land plants were….

Ancestors of land plants were….

Phycocyanin is found in….

Phycocyanin is found in….

Phycology deals with the study of…

Phycology deals with the study of…

Pyrenoids are responsible for….

Pyrenoids are responsible for….

Life cycle of Spirogyra is

Life cycle of Spirogyra is

Brown algae have a characteristic pigment….

Brown algae have a characteristic pigment….

Thin walled non-flagellated spores are…

Thin walled non-flagellated spores are…

The alga found in still fresh water is….

The alga found in still fresh water is….

Ancestors of land plants possessed….

Ancestors of land plants possessed….

Pigment mainly responsible for photosynthesis in red algae is….

Pigment mainly responsible for photosynthesis in red algae is….