Bhakti Movement MCQs

Who among the following Bhakti saints wrote the commentary on Vedanta sutras in Sanskrit ?

Who among the following Bhakti saints wrote the commentary on Vedanta sutras in Sanskrit ?

Who among the following was contemporary of Namdev?

Who among the following was contemporary of Namdev?

Whose philosophy is called the Advaita ?

Whose philosophy is called the Advaita ?

Consider the following statements

Consider the following statements

‘Let no man ask a man’s sect or caste’. Whose dictum was this?

‘Let no man ask a man’s sect or caste’. Whose dictum was this?

Who amongst the following was a blind poet who worshipped Krishna and spread Krishna Bhakti cult?

Who amongst the following was a blind poet who worshipped Krishna and spread Krishna Bhakti…

Consider the following pairs

Consider the following pairs

Arrange the following Bhakti saints in chronological order

Arrange the following Bhakti saints in chronological order

Match the following

Match the following

Who said, “Ram and Rahim are the two different name of the same God” ?

Who said, “Ram and Rahim are the two different name of the same God” ?