Cyber Security & Cyber Crime MCQs

In cryptography, what is cipher?

In cryptography, what is cipher?

Which one of the following algorithm is not used in asymmetric-key cryptography?

Which one of the following algorithm is not used in asymmetric-key cryptography?

Which is the largest disadvantage of the symmetric Encryption?

Which is the largest disadvantage of the symmetric Encryption?

The ________ is encrypted text

The ________ is encrypted text

Release of message contents and Traffic analysis are two types of _________ attacks

Release of message contents and Traffic analysis are two types of _________ attacks

Which of the following Algorithms not belong to symmetric encryption?

Which of the following Algorithms not belong to symmetric encryption?

A company requires its users to change passwords every month. This improves the ________ of the network.

A company requires its users to change passwords every month. This improves the ________ of…

Data ___________ is used to ensure confidentiality

Data ___________ is used to ensure confidentiality

Related to information security, confidentiality is the opposite of which of the following?

Related to information security, confidentiality is the opposite of which of the following?

This helps in identifying the origin of information and authentic user. This referred to here as__________

This helps in identifying the origin of information and authentic user. This referred to here…