DCPCR launches WhatsApp chatbot ‘Bal Mitra’ for children

DCPCR launches WhatsApp chatbot ‘Bal Mitra’ for children : The Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights (DCPCR) launched its WhatsApp chatbot named ‘Bal Mitra’. The chatbot, called ‘Bal Mitra’, is an effort to enable two-way communication between people and the child rights panel. It will help citizens and the commission to interact more effectively.

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Along with providing authentic information on various matters related to children and their rights, the chatbot will also ensure the confidentiality of the matters reported through it. “Chatbot ‘Bal Mitra’, launched by the DCPCR, is a very important initiative to make governance citizen-friendly. This will serve as a source of authentic information regarding children and their rights,” Sisodia said. Along with a platform to report any matter related to the protection of child rights, this chatbot will also guide people, especially parents on issues of admissions and education of their children,” he said.

Features of the chatbot: Complaint registration, searching information and tracking complaint status, and seeking information on admissions

DCPCR chairperson: Anurag Kundu.

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