Govt launch Fit Hai to Hit Hai India under Fit India campaign for school children

A Fit India Talks sessions has organized in association with the Sports Authority of India and the Ministry of Human Resource Development under the Fit India campaign by the Government of India. Olympic medal winner badminton player Ms P.V Sindhu and Indian football team Captain Shri. Sunil Chhetri were also present at the launch of “Fit Hai To Hit Hai India” program organized under the Fit India campaign.

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A lot of people have joined the Fit India campaign launched by the Government of India in a very short time.

Majority of our 1.3 billion population consist of school children. In the last 8-9 months, 2.5 lakh schools have registered under Fit India.

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) also announced in April that it would launch a new series of fitness sessions for school going children in the Fit India Active Day program under this campaign.

13,868 schools affiliated to CBSE have participated in various Fit India programs and 11,682 schools have also received the Fit India flag.

The Government is doing its best to ensure India is among the top 10 countries at the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles.

Fit India campaign

Fit India Movement was launched by Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi at Indira Gandhi Stadium in New Delhi on 29 August 2019 (National Sports Day).

It is a nation-wide movement in India to encourage people to remain healthy and fit by including physical activities and sports in their daily lives.

Fit India was founded by Shri Suparno Satpathy in year 1993 and it was incorporated as a company in year 2000.

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