Karnataka exempts 38 categories of industries from lockdown

The Karnataka government has exempted at least 38 categories of industries to function during the week-long lockdown to help find a balance between the looming health and economic crisis staring the state and its growth capital.

Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2020


The state government had reluctantly ordered the lockdown in Bengaluru urban and rural districts for a week after a surge in cases threatened to aggravate the crisis.

This includes a list of 28 industries classified as essential including rice and oil mills, dairy and food products, bulk drugs, pharmaceuticals, Ayurvedic and homeopathic medicine makers, sanitizers, bakery and confectionary, power generation and even those making paper napkins.

Even e-commerce companies for supply of food and grocery have been allowed, according to the notification by Gaurav Gupta, the principal secretary for the Commerce and Industries Department of Karnataka.

The notification allows units in industrial areas and estates in Bengaluru urban and rural districts to operate as in industrial township.

Industry bodies had reacted sharply against the decision to go in for another lockdown in Bengaluru that would impact their businesses further and add to their piling losses.

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