Second meeting of G20 Development Working Group held in Kumarakom

Second meeting of G20 Development Working Group held in Kumarakom: The second meeting of the G20 Development Working Group was held in Kumarakom, Kerala on 7 April and in this meeting the delegates emphasised the importance of digital technologies to achieve the 2030 Agenda and bridge the digital divide.

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An Overview of the News 

The formal proceedings were inaugurated by Dammu Ravi, Secretary (Economic Relations), Ministry of External Affairs. The session focused on “Transformative Change through Data for Development”.

Presentations were made by experts from the International Telecommunications Union, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, and the United Nations Office of the Special Envoy on Technology. Another session on “Transformative Change” discussed the role of women in accelerating the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and stressed the need for women’s empowerment and leadership.

The session on “Just Green Development” highlighted the importance of balancing the green transition with social and development dimensions.

About the G20

It is an international forum of the world’s leading economies established in 1999. Its primary objective is to promote international financial stability and sustainable economic growth. The G20 serves as a forum to discuss and coordinate policies related to a wide range of economic and financial issues such as trade, investment, employment, energy and climate change.

State Health Minister of Kerala – Veena George
Chairperson of G20 Empower – Dr. Sangita Reddy

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