Suresh Raina’s autobiography “Believe – What Life and Cricket Taught Me”

Suresh Raina, one of India’s most successful international cricketers, has published his own memoir ‘Believe: What Life and Cricket Taught Me’ along with cricket writer Bharat Sundaresan.

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‘Believe’, the word Sachin Tendulkar told him-and he took it to heart, getting the word etched on his arm as a tattoo.

In this book, Raina takes you through the challenges he faced as a young cricketer. He was bullied in school and at cricket camps, but he always punched above his weight, overcoming every adversity life threw at him and never giving up.

It takes us through the highs and lows of the cricketing career of a man who saw his world fall apart and yet became one of the most influential white-ball cricketers India has ever seen.

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