The Doctrine of Karma in Buddhism means

Q. The Doctrine of Karma in Buddhism means:

(a) predestination

(b) the justification for social and economic inequalities in life

(c) the deeds of a person determine the state of his life

(d) doing one’s duty without bothering about the result

Ans: (c) the deeds of a person determine the state of his life

Explanation: The Doctrine of Karma in Buddhism means:

(c) The deeds of a person determine the state of their life.

In Buddhism, the doctrine of karma refers to the belief that one’s intentional actions, both physical and mental, have consequences and determine the quality and circumstances of their present and future lives. According to this doctrine, the moral quality of one’s actions, whether wholesome or unwholesome, will result in corresponding outcomes and experiences.

Buddhism emphasizes the idea of individual responsibility and the notion that individuals are the architects of their own destiny through their thoughts, words, and actions. Positive and skillful actions lead to positive outcomes, while negative and unskillful actions lead to negative outcomes.

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