Unlocking travel and tourism safely and responsibly during COVID

The Ministry of Tourism presents 39th webinar titled ‘Unlocking travel and tourism safely and responsibly during COVID: A healthcare perspective’ under Dekho Apna Desh series on 27th June 2020.

Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2020


The session also highlighted some myths based on the covid i.e. Alcohol kills corona, thermal scanning is not good, spraying bleach will protect, holding breath for 10 seconds, covid not present in areas which have high temperature.

The session also highlighted the Do’s and Don’ts for the travel perspective at the Airport, for the Bus and transport authority, for the hospitality operations, for the food packing, personal hygiene, for the cleaning protocols, dining protocols.

Also for the mental health it is advised to be connected with people, practice yoga and meditation, spend “me time and we time”, do charity and avoid whatsapp and fake news.

Besides that, the session explained that Tourism plays a big role in the country’s economy, for jobs as well as for the growth of the nation.

The webinar concluded that as a country India is battling well with covid-19.

Having a huge population which Govt has to take care, each citizen needs to be very responsible and join the efforts of the Government by following the guidelines, safety and precautionary measures, avoid panic and stay connected with people around them.

Dekho Apna Desh Series

Dekho Apna Desh Series is an effort to showcase India’s rich diversity under Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat.

The Ministry will showcase the diverse and remarkable history and culture of India including its natural landscapes, monuments, cuisine, arts, dance forms, festivals, and many other aspects of the rich Indian civilization.

It also holds a session that raises awareness about tourism and social history.

The webinar series will be available on the Ministry of Tourism’s social media handles, “IncredibleIndia” on Instagram and Facebook.

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