Who is considered as the greatest ruler of the Pratiharas?

Q. Who is considered as the greatest ruler of the Pratiharas?

(a) Mahipala

(b) Mahendrapala

(c) Mihirabhoja

(d) Nagbhatta II

Ans: (c) Mihirabhoja

Explanation: The correct answer is (c) Mihirabhoja.

Mihirabhoja, also known as Bhoja or Mihira Bhoj, is considered one of the greatest rulers of the Pratihara dynasty. He ruled as the Gurjara-Pratihara king from around 836 CE to 885 CE.

Mihirabhoja’s reign was marked by his military prowess, administrative skills, and patronage of arts and literature. He extended the boundaries of the Pratihara empire, consolidating their power in northern and central India. Mihirabhoja’s patronage of learning and scholars earned him the title “Bhoja the Wise” or “Bhoja the Great.”

He was also a notable patron of arts, literature, and sciences. Mihirabhoja’s court was a center of learning and attracted scholars from various fields. He himself was a scholar and wrote several works, including the famous treatise on polity called “Samrangana Sutradhara.”

Overall, Mihirabhoja’s contributions to the Pratihara dynasty and his patronage of arts and learning have earned him the reputation of being one of the greatest rulers of the Pratihara dynasty.

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