Who was the Congress President when India became free?

Q. Who was the Congress President when India became free?

(a) Jawaharlal Nehru

(b) J. B. Kripalani

(c) Mahatma Gandhi

(d) Sardar Patel

Ans: (b) J. B. Kripalani

Explanation: The correct answer is (b) J. B. Kripalani.

Jawaharlal Nehru served as the first Prime Minister of India after independence, but he was not the President of the Indian National Congress at that time. Mahatma Gandhi was a prominent leader of the freedom struggle and played a pivotal role in India’s independence, but he was not the President of the Congress at the time of independence. Sardar Patel was a senior leader of the Congress and the first Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister of India, but he was also not the President of the Congress at that time.

J. B. Kripalani, also known as Acharya Kripalani, was the President of the Indian National Congress in 1947 when India gained independence from British rule. He presided over the historic session of the Congress held on August 14-15, 1947, during which the decision to transfer power was made.

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