Environmental Studies Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Environmental Studies Quiz Set 16

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1 For an overcast day or night, the atmosphere is
1 stable
2 neutral
3 slightly stable
4 unstable

Answer: neutral
2 The wavelength range of UV–C radiations is
1 200 – 280 nm
2 180 – 240 nm
3 320 – 400 nm
4 240 – 300 nm

Answer: 200 – 280 nm
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3 In a gas chromatography experiment, the retention factor (Rf) values for pollutant ‘A’ and pollutant ‘B’ in a mixture of pollutants were 0.5 and 0.125, respectively. If the distance travelled by solvent front is 12 cms, the distance (in cms) travelled by pollutant ‘A’ and pollutant ‘B’ will be
1 6 and 1.5
2 3 and 1.5
3 0.5 and 0.125
4 1.5 and 3

Answer: 6 and 1.5
4 Cells grown in a medium containing phosphorous –32 will show radio labelling in
1 Starch
2 Glycogen
3 Proteins
4 Nucleic acids

Answer: Nucleic acids
5 “Double digging” is a method of
1 Bio-intensive agriculture
2 Deforestation
3 Aforestation
4 Water conservation

Answer: Bio-intensive agriculture
6 The rate of replacement of species along a gradient of habitats pertains to
1 Alpha diversity
2 Beta diversity
3 Gamma diversity
4 Species diversity

Answer: Beta diversity
7 If individuals of a species remain alive only in captivity or other human controlled conditions, the species is said to be
1 Ecologically extinct
2 Mass extinct
3 Wild extinct
4 Anthropogenic extinct

Answer: Wild extinct
8 Which of the following symbolises correct sequence in hydrosere ?
1 Diatoms → Wolffia → Hydrilla → Cyperus → Populus
2 Hydrilla → Wolffia → Cyperus → Populus → Diatoms
3 Cyperus → Diatoms → Hydrilla → Wolffia → Populus
4 Diatoms → Hydrilla → Wolffia → Cyperus → Populus

Answer: Diatoms → Hydrilla → Wolffia → Cyperus → Populus
9 Which of the following is not a class of aquatic ecosystems based on salinity levels ?
1 Stagnant water ecosystem
2 Freshwater ecosystem
3 Brackish ecosystem
4 Marine ecosystem

Answer: Stagnant water ecosystem
10 Limnetic zone in freshwater ecosystem is characterised by
1 Presence of rooted vegetation
2 Absence of rooted vegetation
3 Presence of large proportion of lime
4 Absence of phytoplankton

Answer: Absence of rooted vegetation
11 Vegetation cover shows maximum reflectance in which of the following regions of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum ?
1 Ultraviolet
2 Near infrared
3 Middle infrared
4 Visible

Answer: Near infrared
12 During remote sensing of the vegetation cover, the spectral reflection of vegetation over electromagnetic radiation spectrum depends upon
1 Pigmentation in the leaf
2 Structure of the leaf
3 Moisture content of the leaf
4 All the above characters

Answer: All the above characters
13 The volume of ejecta and the column height for a volcano are 108.5 m3 and 24 km, respectively. What is its volcanic explosivity index value ?
1 2
2 8
3 7
4 4

Answer: 4
14 In the context of material balance in hydrological cycle, which of the following equations is correct for oceans ?
1 Input + change in storage = output
2 Precipitation + inflow = evaporation
3 Input – change in storage = output
4 Precipitation – inflow = evaporation

Answer: Precipitation + inflow = evaporation
15 In disaster management which steps are followed in post-disaster recovery phase ?
1 Relief, rehabilitation, reconstruction, learning – review
2 Risk Assessment, mitigation, preparedness, emergency plans.
3 Relief, mitigation, emergency plans.
4 Learning – review, emergency plans, preparedness.

Answer: Relief, rehabilitation, reconstruction, learning – review

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