Population Studies Objective Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Population Studies MCQs Set 11

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1 Why do we celebrate 11 July as ‘World Population Day’? The reason is, that is the approximate day when world population touched :
1 1 billion
2 4 billion
3 5 billion
4 6 billion

Answer: 5 billion
2 What was the net gain in the urban population between 2001 and 2011 Censuses ?
1 About 50 million
2 About 60 million
3 About 80 million
4 About 90 million

Answer: About 90 million
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3 Which of the following inputs data are essential for using P/E RATIO METHOD BASED ON DATA ABOUT ALL CHILDREN to estimate fertility parameters ?

(a) Children ever-born classified by five year age group of mother

(b) Births in a year classified by five-year age group of mother

(c) Women by five year age-group

(d) Total population

Code :
1 (a), (b), (c)
2 (a), (b), (c), (d)
3 (a), (c), (d)
4 (b), (c)

Answer: (a), (b), (c), (d)
4 Which data source among the following could be used to study the settlement characteristics in India ?
1 Population census of India
2 National Family Health Survey
3 Sample Registration System data
4 District level Health and (Facility) Survey

Answer: Population census of India
5 Which of the following streams of migration in india has experienced significant decrease in its proportion between 2001 and 2011 Censuses ?
1 Rural to Rural
2 Rural to Urban
3 Urban to Urban
4 Urban to Rural

Answer: Rural to Rural
6 Which one of the following is not the measure of nutrition ?
1 Weight for height
2 Glycaemic Index
4 Waist to hip ratio

Answer: Glycaemic Index
7 Which of the following combinations is correct about measures of population density ? Answer using code given below :

(a) Crude and arithmatic density are one and the same thing.

(b) Physiological density is ratio between total population and total agricultural lands in a region.

(c) Agricultural density is ratio between agricultural population and total geographic area.

(d) The concept of ‘room density’ is commonly used by urban planners.

Code :
1 (a), (b) and (c)
2 (a), (b) and(d)
3 (a) and (b)
4 (b), (c) and (d)

Answer: (a), (b) and(d)
8 Which of the following is a characteristically out migrating state ?
1 Maharashtra
2 Punjab
3 Gujarat
4 Odisha

Answer: Odisha
9 Which state among the following has highest female age at marriage according to census of India 2011 ?
1 Goa
2 Karnataka
3 West Bengal
4 Maharashtra

Answer: Goa
10 Which measure among the following reflect chronic malnutrition of children ?
1 Height for age
2 Weight for age
3 Weight for height
4 Upper arm circumference

Answer: Height for age
11 Maternal mortality ratio in India has declared from 212 in 2007-09 to 178 in 2011-12. Which answer below represents the correct percent decline in MMR in these four years ?
1 About 76%
2 About 19%
3 About 16%
4 About 17%

Answer: About 16%
12 Which of the following is an exact measure of replacement fertility ?

Answer: NRR
13 Which among the following is the highest density area ?
1 South Africa
2 South America
3 North America
4 West Europe

Answer: West Europe
14 Which one of the following is being used currently as a measure of the goal of population stabilization in India ?
1 Population growth rate
2 Crude birth rate

Answer: TFR
15 Which country among the following has the largest share of elderly population in 2015 ?
1 Korea
2 United Kingdom
3 Japan
4 Italy

Answer: Japan

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