Psychology Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Psychology Quiz Set 27

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1 Which of the following psychologists first empirically established that social stress distort physical health ?
1 Selye
2 Lazarus and Folkman
3 Holmes and Rahe
4 Srivastava and Pestonjee

Answer:Holmes and Rahe
2 Which of the following two styles of leadership were identified in Ohio State Leadership studies ?
1 Employees - centered and production - centered
2 Initiating structure and people oriented
3 Initiating structure and consideration for relationship
4 Authoritarian and democratic

Answer:Initiating structure and consideration for relationship
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3 Which one of the following may not be put in the category of “Absolute Standard” methods of performance appraisal ?
1 Critical incidents method
2 Behaviourally Anchored Rating method
3 Ranking method
4 Checklist method

Answer:Ranking method
4 Cultures of honour are characterized by strong norms indicating that aggression is :
1 an inappropriate response to insults to one’s honour.
2 an appropriate response to regards to one’s honour.
3 an appropriate response to insults to one’s honour.
4 an inappropriate response to regards to one’s honour.

Answer:an appropriate response to insults to one’s honour.
5 Discovery and understanding of our own abilities bring happiness but also bring fear of new responsibilities and duties. It is called :
1 Electra complex
2 Jonah complex
3 Motives conflict
4 Motive to avoid success

Answer:Jonah complex
6 Memory for surprising and consequential events (emotional public events) are known as :
1 Photographic memory
2 Flash bulb memory
3 Iconic memory
4 Implicit memory

Answer: Flash bulb memory
7 Intimacy, Passion and commitment are the components of :
1 Romantic Love
2 Companionate Love
3 Infatuated Love
4 Consummate Love

Answer:Consummate Love
8 Which of the following are innate behaviours :

(a) Reflexes

(b) Taxes

(c) Fixed Action Patterns

(d) Genotype


1 (a) and (c) only
2 (a), (b) and (c) only
3 (a), (c) and (d) only
4 (a), (b), (c) and (d)

Answer:(a), (b) and (c) only
9 Which one of the following proposed the “response inhibition” theory of extinction ?
1 Hull
2 Guthrie
3 Tolman
4 Deese

10 Rollo May’s views on personality development can be described in following sequence :
1 Physical Dependence - Pychological dependence - Rebellion - ordinary consciousness of self - creative consciousness of self.
2 Physical dependence - Rebellion - ordinary consciousness of self - self actualization
3 Psychological dependence - physical dependence - ordinary consciousness of self - creative consciousness of self
4 Physical dependence - psychological dependence - ordinary consciousness of selfRebellion-creative consciousness of self.

Answer:Physical Dependence - Pychological dependence - Rebellion - ordinary consciousness of self - creative consciousness of self.
11 We tend to attribute to another’s behaviour to external causes when information is of :

(a) High consensus

(b) Low distinctiveness

(c) High distinctiveness

(d) High consistency


1 (a), (b)
2 (a), (c) and (d)
3 (b), (c) and (d)
4 (a), (b) and (d)

Answer:(a), (c) and (d)
12 According to Kohlberg, __________ and __________ are the major reasons of moral behaviour during the stage of conventional morality
1 Gaining acceptance and Getting rewards
2 Avoiding censure by others and Achieving justice
3 Gaining acceptance and Avoiding censure by others
4 Avoiding censure by others and Achieving justice

Answer:Gaining acceptance and Avoiding censure by others
13 Which of the following statements are true about the principal components analysis ?

(a) Unities (values of 1) are retained in the diagonal spaces of the correlation matrix.

(b) The first principal component explains maximum variance.

(c) Principal components analysis follows common factor model.

(d) Principal components analysis yields oblique unrotated factors.


1 (a) and (b) only
2 (a) and (d) only
3 (b) and (c) only
4 (a), (b) and (d) only

Answer:(a) and (b) only
14 Find the correct sequence among the following oxytocin related events :

(a) Carrying down by axons

(b) Contraction of uterine muscles

(c) Synthesis in paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus

(d) Secretion by neurosecretory cells in posterior pituitary


1 (a), (d), (c), (b)
2 (c), (a), (d), (b)
3 (a), (b), (d), (c)
4 (d), (a), (c), (b)

Answer:(c), (a), (d), (b)
15 Which one of the following concepts is equivalent to the concept of “habit family hierarchy” proposed by Hull ?
1 Drive reduction
2 Cognitive map
3 Habit strength
4 Means-end remedies

Answer:Cognitive map

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