APSC Important Questions & Answers on Anthropology Optional Paper for Prelims | GkSeries

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1 Hylobates is a genus comprising of
1 spider monkeys
2 gibbons
3 langurs
4 macaques

Answer: gibbons
2 The number of chromosomes in human sperm is
1 24
2 46
3 23
4 None of the above

Answer: 23
3 Neo-Darwinism is propounded by
1 Lamarck
2 Darwin
3 Weismann
4 De Vries

Answer: Weismann ,
4 Which of the following conditions represents trisomy 21?
1 Edward's syndrome
2 Down's syndrome
3 Patau's syndrome
4 Cri du chat syndrome

Answer: Down's syndrome
5 The theory of 'catastrophism' is propouded by
1 John Light Foote
2 Georges Cuvier
3 Bucher de Perthes
4 Charles Lyell

Answer: Georges Cuvier
6 In RNA, which of the following is found in place of thymine?
1 Adenine
2 Guanine
3 Cytosine
4 Uracil

Answer: Uracil
7 Skin colour inheritance in man is
1 sex-linked trait
2 polygenic trait
3 sex-influenced trait
4 monogenic trait

Answer: polygenic trait
8 The improvement of genetical quality of human race through selective breeding is called
1 eugenics
2 euphenics
3 euthenics
4 None of the above

Answer: eugenics
9 In man, the pair of chromosomes of female zygote is
1 44 + XY
2 22 + X
3 23 + XY
4 44 +XX

Answer: 44 +XX
10 The human vertebral column has
1 two curvatures
2 three curvatures
3 four curvatures
4 five curvatures

Answer: four curvatures
11 Fossil remains of 'Lucy' belong to
1 Australopithecus
2 Dryopithecus
3 Sinanthropus
4 Pithecanthropus

Answer: Australopithecus
12 Prehensile limbs are associated with
1 bipedal locomotion
2 terrestrial living
3 arboreal living
4 knuckle-walking

Answer: arboreal living
13 Remains of Cro-Magnon was first found in
1 Germany
2 France
3 Hadar
4 Spain

Answer: France
14 The correct sequence of stages in the evolution of modern man (Homo sapiens) is
1 Neanderthal man — Australopithecus — Cro-Magnon man — Homo erectus — Modern man
2 Australopithecus — Homo erectus—Neanderthal man— Cro-Magnon man—Modern man
3 Homo erectus — Australopithecus—Neanderthal man— Cro-Magnon man
4 Australopithecus—Neanderthal man—Cro-magnon man—Homo erectus—Modern man

Answer: Australopithecus — Homo erectus—Neanderthal man— Cro-Magnon man—Modern man
15 Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?
1 Homo habilis—East Africa
2 Ramapithecus—South India
3 Heidelberg jaw—Spain
4 Neanderthal—Pakistan

Answer: Homo habilis—East Africa
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