CSAT Prelims General Awareness - Physics Multiple Choice Questions and Answers | GKSERIES

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1 A hunter aims his gun at a point between the eyebrows of a monkey sitting on a branch of a tree. Just as he fires, the monkey jumps down. The bullet will:
A hit the monkey at the point aimed
B hit the monkey above the point aimed
C hit the monkey below at the point aimed
D miss the monkey altogether

Answer: Option [A]
2 An oil tanker partially filled with oil moves forward on a level road with uniform acceleration. The free surface of oil then:
A remains horizontal
B assumes a parabolic curve
C is inclined to the horizontal with smaller depth at the rear end
D is inclined to the horizontal with larger depth at the rear end

Answer: Option [D]
3 A spherical body moves with a uniform angular velocity (w) around a circular path of radius r. Which one of the following statements are correct ?
A The body has no acceleration
B The body has a radial acceleration ω2r directed toward centre of path
C The body has a radial acceleration 2/5ω2r directed away from the centre of the path
D The body has an acceleration ω2 tangential to its path

Answer: Option [B]
4 Four wires of same material and of dimensions as under are stretched by a load of same magnitude separately. Which one of them will be elongated maximum ?
A Wire of 1m length and 2 mm diameter
B Wire of 2m length and 2mm diameter
C Wire of 3m length and 1.5mm diameter
D Wire of 1m length and 1mm diameter

Answer: Option [C]
5 Ball bearings are used in bicycles, cars, etc., because
A the effective area of contact between the wheel and axle is reduced
B the effective area of contact between the wheel and axle is increased
C the actual area contact between the wheel and axle is increased
D none of the above statements is correct

Answer: Option [A]
6 Cloudy nights are warmer compared to clear cloudless nights, because clouds:
A reflect back the heat given off by earth
B produce heat and radiate it towards earth
C prevent clod waves from the sky from descending on earth
D absorb heat from the atmosphere and send it towards earth

Answer: Option [A]
7 When a CD (compact disc used in audio and video systems) is seen in sunlight, rainbow like colours are seen. This can be explained on the basis of the phenomenon of:
A reflection and transmission
B reflection and diffraction
C diffraction and transmission
D refraction, diffraction and transmission

Answer: Option [D]
8 Which one of the following statements is not correct ?
A The velocity of sound in air is independent of pressure
B The velocity of sound in air decreases as the humidity increases
C The velocity of sound in air increases with the increase of temperature
D The velocity of sound in air not affected by the change in amplitude and frequency

Answer: Option [B]
9 A fuse is used in mains electric supply as a safety device. Which one of the following statements about the fuse is correct ?
A It must have a low melting point
B It is made mainly from silver alloys
C It must have very high resistance
D It is connected in parallel with the main switch

Answer: Option [A]
10 Electrically charged particles from space traveling at speeds of several hundred km/sec can severally harm living beings if they reach the surface of the earth. What prevents them from reaching the surface of the Earth ?
A The Earth’s magnetic field diverts them towards its poles
B Ozone layer around the Earth reflects them back to outer space
C Moisture in the upper layers of atmosphere prevents them from reaching the surface of the Earth
D None of the statements (A), (B) and (C) given above is correct

Answer: Option [A]


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