A book titled “War & Women” written by Dr MA Hasan released

A book titled “War & Women” written by Dr MA Hasan released: A book titled “War and Women” was launched at the 52nd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva, Switzerland. The author, Dr M A Hasan, presented the book, which highlights the suffering of Bengali women who were victims of sexual violence perpetrated by the Pakistan Army during the 1971 war. The event was organised in Europe by the Bangladesh Freedom Fighters Sansad and was regarded as a significant moment for raising awareness about the issue.

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Dr. M A Hasan’s book documents the scale of torture and killings carried out by the Pakistan Army during the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971. The book launch was attended by Freedom Fighters of the Bangladesh Liberation War and representatives from international NGOs, who heard about the atrocities committed during the war. Tazul Islam described the events as genocide and urged the UN Human Rights Council to take action against Pakistan. Around 30 people attended the book launch at the Serpentine Cafeteria inside the UN building. Dr. Hasan presented a video from Dhaka, explaining the reality of the abuse committed by Pakistani soldiers. Lamino, a human rights defender from Geneva, also spoke at the event, urging the Human Rights Council to take action against those responsible for the genocide.

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