IIT Guwahati developed an antimicrobial spray-based coating for PPE

A team of researchers of IIT Guwahati has developed affordable antimicrobial (antiviral/antibacterial) spray-based coating for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and 3D printed Ear Guard for comfortable use of face masks by healthcare workers.

Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2020


The aim of the antimicrobial spray-based coating is to safeguard healthcare workers and citizens from the current coronavirus crisis and other infectious diseases.

The antimicrobial spray-based coating for PPE kits can kill and prevent the spread of microbes once they come in contact with the coated PPE surface.

The strategic association of metal nanoparticles in the spray such as copper, silver and other active ingredients acts as an antimicrobial agent. It ensures limited penetration and accumulation of microbial contaminants on PPE.

The coating can reduce the risk of secondary infection as it limits the transmission of the microbes.

The spray-coating is affordable and readily deployable using existing infrastructure available with PPE manufacturers.

It can be sprayed or dipped onto any kind of surface including textiles and other medical device surfaces to get rid of microbes.

It will allow the reusability of PPEs and easy containment of the microbes.

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