International Guide Dog Day 2020

International Guide Dog Day is celebrated on 29 April 2020 every year on the last Wednesday of April to honour the importance of a guide dog that is in the life of a person who is blind or visually impaired.

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The dog enables people with impaired vision to get around safely by being independent.

The day aims to raise awareness about Guide Dogs in society.

The day honours the guide dogs and the hard-working people who dedicate their time to train and match them to their owners.

The day was initiated by the International Guide Dog Federation (IGDF). The first International Guide Dog Day was celebrated in 1992.

The idea for a guide dog was initiated by Johann Wilhelm Klein, who was the founder of the Institute for the Education of the Blind in Vienna. In 1819, Klein wrote about a method for training guide dogs.

In 1847, Jakob Birrer, a blind man from Sweden, wrote how he had specially trained his own guide dog.

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