MASI Portal for Monitoring CHILD CARE HOMES

MASI Portal for Monitoring CHILD CARE HOMES: The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights has developed an application named MASI for real-time monitoring of the Child Care Institutions.

MASI stands for Monitoring App for Seamless Inspection. The effective and efficient functioning of the mechanism for inspection of CCIs provided under the Juvenile Justice Act, 2015 (as amended in 2021) and synchronous monitoring of the system is the rationale behind developing this comprehensive application.

Daily Current Affairs Quiz: August 2023

Monitoring App for Seamless Inspection (MASI): Features and Functionality

  • MASI serves as a single platform for inspections of all CCIs across the country, enabling any of the above-stated authorities to conduct unified inspections.
  • The programme is linked to a monitoring portal, from which automatic reports are generated, providing real-time updates on the status of CCIs.
  • Before and after the completion of the inspection cycle, regular follow-ups are conducted to ensure compliance with the Juvenile Justice Act and its rules.
  • The seamless functioning of MASI is facilitated by a questionnaire that authorities fill and submit through the app. Following submission, the system creates extensive reports on the monitoring portal, providing detailed insights into the condition of the CCIs.

The Role of Child Welfare Committees (CWCs)

  • Child Welfare Committee (CWC) is an independent institution established under the Juvenile Justice Act, 2015.
  • Its primary purpose is to address and resolve issues concerning children who are abandoned, orphaned, voluntarily relinquished by parents, or lost and require care and attention.
  • The CWC is critical in areas pertaining to such children’s growth, protection, treatment, development, and rehabilitation, ensuring the provision of their basic necessities and ensuring their well-being.

Key takeaways for competitive examinations

  • Chairman of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights : Priyank Kanoongo

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