Ten lakhs rupees compensation to all Postal employees

Department of Posts planned to extend the payment of compensation of 10 lakh rupees to all postal employees including Gramin Dak Sevaks employees to the corona disease. Department of Posts comes under essential services and the employees are performing various routine duties along with delivering COVID-19 test kits, food packets, rations, and essential medicines across the country. The Department of Posts has decided to extend the payment of compensation of 10 lakh rupees to all postal employees, including Gramin Dak Sevaks succumbing to the corona disease. The guidelines will come into effect with immediate effect and continue for the period until the crises of COVID-19 is over. Postal employees perform various duties such as providing mail delivery to customers, Post Office Saving Bank, Postal Life Insurance, the ease of money withdrawal at his/her doorstep from any bank and any branch under the AePS facility

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