Banking Awareness - Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Answers for IBPS Exam | Page-2

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11 Which sectors of Indian Economy contributes largest to the gross national product?
A Tertiary sector
B Secondary sector
C Primary sector
D Public sector
E None of these

Answer: Option [A]
12 The concept of ‘Net Domestic Investment’ refers to
A The difference between the market value and book value of outstanding capital stock
B The amount of machinery and equipment used up in producing the GDP in a given year
C Total investment less the amount of investment goods used up in accomplishing the year’s production
D Gross domestic investment less net exports
E None of the above

Answer: Option [C]
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13 Which of the following is not included in the estimates of National Income?
A Sale of collector’s items
B Cost of government services
C Market rent of self-owned house
D Addition to inventory, but not sale of the company’s products
E None of the above

Answer: Option [A]
14 Which of the following is one of the measures of economic growth of a country?
A Number of companies listed on the stock exchanges
B Number of foreign nationals working in a country
C Gross domestic product of the nation
D Volume of direct investment made by foreign countries
E All of the above

Answer: Option [C]
15 What is a green index?
A It measure’s the nations export
B It measures the nation’s wealth according to GNP per capita
C It measures the nation’s wealth according to GDP per capita
D It measures the nation’s wealth in terms of coverage of forest area
E It measures the nation’s wealth according to provisions of control on greenhouse gases

Answer: Option [E]
16 When the growth of GDP in a country slows down suddenly, people start losing their jobs and the situation continues several weeks, this state of economy is known as:
A Economic boom
B Recession
C Inflation
D Deflation
E None of these

Answer: Option [B]
17 In India, the National Income is measured on the basis of
A Flow of goods only
B Number of employed youth only
C Volume of tax collected per annum
D Earning of people working in PSUs and government jobs
E All of the above

Answer: Option [E]
18 Which of the following is not an apex institution?
D State Cooperative Bank
E None of the above

Answer: Option [A]
19 The term ‘Gross National Happiness’ was coined by
A European Union
B Maqbool Hoque
C Bhutan’s king
D Amartya Sen
E None of these

Answer: Option [C]
20 Who amongst the following economists gave the concept of ‘economies of scale’, which says ‘many goods and services’ can be produced more cheaply in long series?
A Paul Krungman
B Edmund S Phelps
C Gary S Becker
D Amartya Sen
E Edward C Prescott

Answer: Option [A]

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