Art & Culture Current Affairs

Here we provide latest Current Affairs articles on Indian Art & Culture. We collect and compose latest articles and news on songs, music, dance, theatre, folk traditions, performing arts, rites and rituals, paintings and writings etc.

12th webinar of Dekho Apna Desh series

The 12th session of Ministry of Tourism’s ‘Dekho Apna Desh’ on April 30, titled, ‘Celebrating the Incredible Indian Women in Responsible Tourism’ presented some powerful and personal stories of a few incredible women in India, who offer an alternative imagination of travel. The webinar series ...

Jaipur gets UNESCO World Heritage tag

Jaipur, known for its iconic architectural legacy and vibrant culture, on July 6 made its entry into the UNESCO World Heritage Site list. “Just inscribed as UNESCO World Heritage Site: Jaipur City in Rajasthan, India. Bravo,” UNESCO tweeted on July 6 afternoon. The announcement was made ...

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