Discoveries and Inventions - General Knowledge Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) and Answers

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1 Who build the first modern motorcar?
A Daimler
B Karl Benz
C Henry Ford
D Henry Austin

Answer: Option [B]
2 Bacteria was first discovered by
A Louis Pasteur
B Robert Koch
C Robert Hooke
D A. V. Leeuwenhoek

Answer: Option [D]
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3 Who invented penicillin?
A Dresser
B Louis Pasteur
C Edward Jenner
D Alexander Fleming

Answer: Option [D]
4 Force of deflection was first discovered by
A Ferrel
B Koeppen
C Coriolis
D Thornthwaite

Answer: Option [A]
5 Who invented ‘Helicopter’?
A Otis
B Breguet
C Cockrell
D Frank Whittle

Answer: Option [B]
6 Who invented aeroplane?
A Christian Huygens
B Michael Faraday
C Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright
D Sir Frank Whittle

Answer: Option [C]
7 Who is the founder of quantum theory of radiation?
A S. N. Bose
B Plank
C Bohr
D Einstein

Answer: Option [B]
8 Who introduced the concept of “Stored Program”?
A John Von Neumann
B John Mauchly
C Charles Babbage
D Blaise Pascal

Answer: Option [A]
9 The study of Drugs and their action is known as
A Pharmacy
B Paleontology
C Paleozoology
D Pharmacology

Answer: Option [D]
10 Who is the inventor of the Web?
A Ted Nelson
B Mike Sendall
C Bill Gates
D Tim Berners-Lee

Answer: Option [D]

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