HR Interview Questions and Answers | Top 100 Tips for Preparations | PI

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What is Human Resource (HR) Interview ?

To get a job in companies and government organisations freshers and experienced everyone has to go through HR interview. This is the way for recruiters to judge ability of the candidate and also interviewee gets an opportunity to determine whether this job is beneficial for him or not.

Different Types of Interview

Interview can be taken in various ways. Some of the types are :

Preliminary : This phase is a screening test for candidates. The recruiters call the applicants and ask some basic questions. If they are satisfied then the candidate is allowed to sit in the next round of interview.

Face-To-Face : This is the most common type of interview. Here usually only one member from HR team tries to determine the fitness, strengths and weaknesses of the interviewee. The interviewee gets a good opportunity to impress the recruiter.

Panel : In this type the HR team consists of more than one personnel of different fileds. They try determine a interviewee by asking various technical and non-technical questions.

Organised : In this type the candidate is aware of the questions to be asked in the interview. He also informed how to answer the questions and time limit for each.

Unorganised : This is a type of non-planned interview. Here the candidate cannot predict in advance what type of questions to asked during session.

Skype : To save time and travel expenditure Skype is a easy option for the HR recruiter.

How To Prepare for Interview?

Before going to an interview there are many instructions to follow for success. Some of them are :

  • Study about the job responsibilities
  • Collect useful data which relates to your job profile.
  • Interact with the people working in that position.
  • Ask and answer questions yourself.
  • Determine your strength and how you can benefit the organisation.
  • Anticipate questions to be asked during session and prepare answers.
  • You should give importance on dress for the first impression.

Who Can Take Advantage of These Tips?

The questions are prepared to help freshers as well as experienced persons to crack interview. MBA qualifiers, aspirants of BPO, Call Centre jobs can study these questions for sure success.

100 Very Important Questions :

  1. Tell me something about yourself
  2. What is your highest educational qualification?
  3. Which subjects have you enjoyed studying the most in your education life and why?
  4. Which subjects you did not like to study and why?
  5. Do you have plans to continue your education with job?
  6. Why do you consider yourself a suitable candidate for this position?
  7. If I give you a chance, then how would you alter your education?
  8. Tell something about your hobby.
  9. What is your philosophy towards work?
  10. What is your dream job?
  11. What is your greatest strength?
  12. What is/are your weakness/weaknesses?
  13. What have you found to be the key source of motivation in your life?
  14. Have you ever learned from your past mistakes?
  15. Define success in your language.
  16. What do you know about our organization?
  17. Why do you want to work for our organization?
  18. Are you applying for other jobs advertised in our organization?
  19. Do you know anyone who works for us?
  20. What kind of salary do you expect?
  21. Why should I hire you?
  22. If you are selected then how long would you expect to work for us?
  23. If you had enough money then would you retire or continue your job?
  24. Explain how you would be an asset to this organization?
  25. Is there any criteria you are using to decide the organization you will work for?
  26. Which is more important to you, your salary or your job?
  27. Are you willing to work overtime or at Nights or at holidays?
  28. If you are transferred to anywhere then will you continue work?
  29. What type of supervisor have you found to be suitable to work with?
  30. Besides the job requirements what are the qualities a supervisor should posses?
  31. Do you like to work independently or as a team?
  32. What would you do to develop your team spirit?
  33. In what areas do you need to improve your skills?
  34. If you were a recruiter for this job, what would you look for?
  35. Tell me about a suggestion you have made.
  36. Tell about the organization you have previously worked.
  37. What are the reasons for resigning your last job?
  38. What were your major responsibilities imposed on you in your previous position?
  39. Which skills do you have that make you competitive for this position?
  40. What did you like the best about your previous job?
  41. What did you like least about your previous job?
  42. What you are looking for in a job?
  43. Do your skills match this job or another job more closely?
  44. How was your relation with co-workers in your previous job?
  45. Which things you dislike about your co-workers?
  46. Can you suggest me any ways to make your job more rewarding?
  47. What do you do differently from other people in the same position?
  48. Why do you think you would do well at this job?
  49. How you have handled when you face some problems in your previous organization?
  50. If you are asked to do something which is not covered in your job description then what you will do?
  51. Explain briefly your working strategy.
  52. What would your previous supervisor say about you?
  53. How was your previous job? Good or bad?
  54. Is there any example when you did more than required in a project assigned to you?
  55. What are the key achievements in your previous job?
  56. You are more qualified than the job requirement, do you not think so?
  57. If you dislike something in your job then what you will do?
  58. What kind of environment would you like to prefer for work?
  59. How do you deal with pressures that you feel in the job?
  60. Tell me about the highest pressure situations in your life and how did you cope with them?
  61. How to perform constantly well at stress situations?
  62. What has disappointed you about a job?
  63. What has been your greatest professional disappointment?
  64. Describe the situations where you become upset with yourself.
  65. What has been your greatest disappointment in your career?
  66. Are you willing to put the interests of the organization ahead of your own?
  67. Do you consider yourself as a successful person?
  68. Tell me how you organize a day.
  69. Tell about the institute you have obtained your degree.
  70. Why you choose to study management education?
  71. What are the different levels of management?
  72. What are the management functions?
  73. Tell us a situation where you had a conflict with your team-mate. How did you handle it?
  74. What is your greatest achievement in your life?
  75. What is your greatest failure, and what did you learn from it?
  76. Tell something about your previous boss.
  77. Are you a team player?
  78. What do you mean by Co-Employment and its risks?
  79. What are the types of interviews?
  80. What are the differences between human resource manager and a personnel manager?
  81. What is the difference between HRM & HRD?
  82. What are the benefits of a merit pay plan?
  83. What is recruitment process lifecycle?
  84. What is an Administrative Services Only (ASO)?
  85. What are the things you want to improve yourself?
  86. What is a 360 degree performance appraisal?
  87. Tell me how a manager can motivate their employees?
  88. What are the human resource outsourcing roles?
  89. What is NAPEO?
  90. How would you like to introduce yourself as a person?
  91. What do you mean by BPO?
  92. What is the difference between a call centre and a BPO?
  93. What are the reasons of outsourcing?
  94. What are the Advantages of outsourcing?
  95. What are Types of Services Being Offered By BPO Companies?
  96. What are the different types of outsourcing?
  97. Name the two types of outsourcing?
  98. Why do you want to work in BPO sector?
  99. How good are your communication skills?
  100. How many languages do you speak?
Assam Direct Recruitment Test Series