Direction Sense Test - Reasoning Aptitude Questions with Answers for IBPS Bank Exam

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

Awards & Honours GK Questions 2024 (Latest Updated)

1 Mohan started from point ‘A’ and proceeded 7 km straight towards East, then he turned left and proceeded straight for a distance of 10 km. He then turned left again and proceeded for a distance of 6 km and then turned left again and proceeded straight for another 10 km. In which direction is mohan his starting point ?
A East
B West
C North
D South

Answer: Option [A]

direction-sense-test-1 - GkSeries

Finally he is in the east with respect to starting point

2 After walking 6 km, ‘A’ turned right and covered a distance of 2 km, then turned left and covered a distance of 5 km. In the end, ‘A’ was moving towards the North. In which direction did ‘A’ started the journey?
A North
B South
C East
D West

Answer: Option [A]

direction-sense-test-2 - GkSeries

Hence A started journey towards North

3 I am facing South. I turn right and walk 20 m. Then I turn right again and walk 10 m. Then I turn left and walk 10 m and then turning right walk 20 m. Then I turn right again and walk 60 m. in which direction am I from the starting point ?
A North
B North-West
C East
D North-East

Answer: Option [D]

direction-sense-test-3 - GkSeries

From the diagram it is clear that U is in the North-East of the starting point. Thus I am facing towards North-East with respect to starting point.

4 Starting from the point, Raju walked 12 m North, he turned right and walked 10 m, he again turned right and walked 12 m, then he turned left and walked 5 m. How far is he now and in which direction from the starting point ?
A 27m towards East
B 5m towards East
C 10m towards west
D 15m towards East

Answer: Option [D]

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The end point B is at a distance of 15m from starting point A and in the East direction.

5 Ram travels a distance of 5 km from a place ‘A’ towards North, turns left and walks 3 km, again turns right and walks 2 km. Finally turns right and walks 3 km to reach the place ‘B’. What is the distance between A and B ?
A 7 km
B 13 km
C 2 km
D 10 km

Answer: Option [A]

direction-sense-test-5 - GkSeries

The end point B is at a distance of 7KM from starting point A and in the East direction.


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