Population Studies Objective Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Population Studies MCQs Set 19

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1 During which of the following period, India’s family planning programme was declared as family welfare programme :
1 Mid Sixties
2 Mid Seventies
3 Mid Eighties
4 Mid Fifties

Answer: Mid Seventies
2 Which of the following sequence of countries correctly lists four most population countries in the world according to the U.N. Demographic Year Book ?
1 China, India, USA, Brazil
2 China, India, USA, Indonesia
3 China, India, Indonesia, USA
4 China, India, Brazil, Indonesia

Answer: China, India, USA, Indonesia
Article and Schedule Quiz Start Test!
3 Identify one of the given category of unorganised workers, which is not covered under the ‘Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) ?
1 Street Vendor, MNREGA workers, Beedi workers, Truck drivers
2 Domestic workers, Steel vendors, Beedi workers, Sanitation workers
3 Rag pickers, Auto/Taxi Drivers, Rickshaw pullers, Pottery workers
4 Street vendor, Beedi workers, Sanitation workers, Farm labourer

Answer: Domestic workers, Steel vendors, Beedi workers, Sanitation workers
4 Urbanisation increases in direct proportion with
1 Zero Population Growth
2 Crude Birth Rate
3 Increased non-primary activities
4 Increased exclusionary zone of urban activity

Answer: Increased non-primary activities
5 Which among the following is not true about green revolution in the context of high population growth rate during 1961-71 ?
1 A change from traditional mixed crops to monocrop
2 Intensive applications of water, fertiliser and pesticides
3 A reduction in the use of hybrid seeds
4 Increase in intensity of agriculture by reducing the fallow land

Answer: A reduction in the use of hybrid seeds
6 Which among the following was not adopted by India to increase food grain supply to its growing population ?
1 A change from monocropping to multicropping
2 Increase use of bio-fertiliser
3 Increase use of irrigation
4 Increase use of technology

Answer: Increase use of bio-fertiliser
7 Growth in urban population is observed in which of the following situation ?
1 Population growth is zero
2 Industrialisation is faster
3 Growth of construction sector is more
4 Land acquisition is faster

Answer: Industrialisation is faster
8 Sex ratio in India is defined is
1 Males per 1000 females
2 Females per 1000 males
3 Males per 100 females
4 Females per 100 males

Answer: Females per 1000 males
9 City primacy in the capital town of most of the developing countries is a result of the following :
1 Preference for large cities for better governance
2 Protection of large amount of land for agricultural development
3 Financial Crunch to disperse urbanisation
4 Past colonial system of development

Answer: Past colonial system of development
10 According to the census of India 2011, which of the following state comes first in population density ?
1 Kerala
2 West Bengal
3 Bihar
4 Odisha

Answer: Bihar
11 Which among the following is not true about the ‘seeking/available for work information provided by the Census of India 2011 ?
1 2011 census for the first time included this information
2 Seeking/available for work provides fairly accurate information on unemployment
3 Seeking/available for work includes non-worker and marginal workers
4 The information is available for both males and females

Answer: 2011 census for the first time included this information
12 Which amongst following is not part of urban health care under Draft National health Policy 2015 ?
1 To cover cities/towns with more than 50,000 population
2 Developing sustainable models of partnership with for profit and not for profit sector for health care delivery
3 Convergence with various schemes relating to wider determinants of health like drinking water, sanitation, school education, etc
4 Capacity building of community based organisations and establishment of appropriate referral mechanism

Answer: Convergence with various schemes relating to wider determinants of health like drinking water, sanitation, school education, etc
13 Which amongst the following are the free entitlements of pregnant women under the Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakatam (JSSK).
1 Free and cashless delivery
2 Free and cashless delivery and free diagnostics
3 Free and cashless delivery, free diagnostics, free diet during stay in hospital
4 Free and cashless delivery, free diagnostics, free diet during stay in hospital, free transport from home to health institutions

Answer: Free and cashless delivery, free diagnostics, free diet during stay in hospital, free transport from home to health institutions
14 Who proposed the decade synthetic cohort method for computing age of marriage ?
1 S.N. Agrawal
2 J. Hajnal
3 C. Chandrasekaran
4 J.R. Rele

Answer: S.N. Agrawal

Assertion (A) : Ninety five percent of the World’s births to adolescents occur in developing countries.

Reason (R) : Early pregnancies among adolescents reflect powerlessness, poverty and pressures from partners, piers, families and communities. And in too many instances, they are the result of sexual violence or coercion.

Codes :
1 Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
2 Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
3 (A) is true, (R) is false
4 (A) is false, (R) is true

Answer: Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

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